A legal hold policy blocks permanent deletion of content during ongoing litigation. Admins can create legal hold policies and then later assign them to specific folders, files, or users.
- Create Legal Hold Policy
- Get Legal Hold Policy
- Update Legal Hold Policy
- Delete Legal Hold Policy
- Get Enterprise Legal Hold Policies
- Get Legal Hold Policy Assignments
- Assign Legal Hold Policy
- Delete Legal Hold Policy Assignment
- Get Legal Hold Policy Assignment
- Get File Version Legal Hold
- Get File Version Legal Holds
To create a new legal hold policy, call the
legalHoldPolicies.create(name, options, callback)
client.legalHoldPolicies.create('IRS Audit')
.then(policy => {
/* policy -> {
type: 'legal_hold_policy',
id: '11111',
policy_name: 'IRS Audit',
description: '',
status: 'active',
assignment_counts: { user: 0, folder: 0, file: 0, file_version: 0 },
is_ongoing: true,
{ type: 'user',
id: '22222',
name: 'Example User',
login: 'user@example.com' },
created_at: '2017-01-24T16:57:22-08:00',
modified_at: '2017-01-24T16:57:22-08:00',
deleted_at: null,
filter_started_at: null,
filter_ended_at: null }
To retrieve information about a specific legal hold policy, call the
legalHoldPolicies.get(policyID, options, callback)
.then(policy => {
/* policy -> {
type: 'legal_hold_policy',
id: '11111',
policy_name: 'IRS Audit',
description: '',
status: 'active',
assignment_counts: { user: 1, folder: 0, file: 0, file_version: 0 },
{ type: 'user',
id: '22222',
name: 'Example User',
login: 'user@example.com' },
created_at: '2016-05-18T10:28:45-07:00',
modified_at: '2016-05-18T11:25:59-07:00',
deleted_at: null,
filter_started_at: '2016-05-17T01:00:00-07:00',
filter_ended_at: '2016-05-21T01:00:00-07:00' }
Requesting information for only the fields you need with the fields
can improve performance and reduce the size of the network request.
client.legalHoldPolicies.get('12345', {fields: 'policy_name,created_at,created_by'}, callback);
To update or modify an existing legal hold policy, call the
legalHoldPolicies.update(policyID, updates, callback)
method where updates
is the set of key-value pairs to be updated on the policy object.
client.legalHoldPolicies.update('11111', {description: 'Documents related to IRS audit'})
.then(policy => {
/* policy -> {
type: 'legal_hold_policy',
id: '11111',
policy_name: 'IRS Audit',
description: 'Documents related to IRS audit',
status: 'active',
assignment_counts: { user: 1, folder: 0, file: 0, file_version: 0 },
{ type: 'user',
id: '22222',
name: 'Example User',
login: 'user@example.com' },
created_at: '2016-05-18T10:28:45-07:00',
modified_at: '2016-05-18T11:25:59-07:00',
deleted_at: null,
filter_started_at: '2016-05-17T01:00:00-07:00',
filter_ended_at: '2016-05-21T01:00:00-07:00' }
To delete a legal hold policy, call the
legalHoldPolicies.delete(policyID, callback)
Note that this is an asynchronous process - the policy will not be fully deleted
yet when the response comes back.
.then(() => {
// deletion started — no value returned
To retrieve all of the legal hold policies for the given enterprise, call the
legalHoldPolicies.getAll(options, callback)
client.legalHoldPolicies.getAll({policy_name: 'Important'})
.then(policies => {
/* policies -> {
[ { type: 'legal_hold_policy',
id: '11111',
policy_name: 'Important Policy 1' },
{ type: 'legal_hold_policy',
id: '22222',
policy_name: 'Important Policy 2' } ],
limit: 100,
order: [ { by: 'policy_name', direction: 'ASC' } ] }
To get a list of all legal hold policy assignments associated with a specified legal hold policy,
call the legalHoldPolicies.getAssignments(policyID, options, callback)
client.legalHoldPolicies.getAssignments('8763245', {assign_to_type: 'folder'})
.then(assignments => {
/* assignments -> {
entries: [ { type: 'legal_hold_policy_assignment', id: '22222' } ],
limit: 100,
next_marker: 'someMarkerString' }
To assign a legal hold policy, call the
legalHoldPolicies.assign(policyID, assignType, assignID, callback)
client.legalHoldPolicies.assign('11111', 'folder', '12345')
.then(assignment => {
/* assignment -> {
type: 'legal_hold_policy_assignment',
id: '22222',
{ type: 'legal_hold_policy',
id: '11111',
policy_name: 'IRS Audit' },
assigned_to: { type: 'folder', id: '12345' },
{ type: 'user',
id: '33333',
name: 'Example User',
login: 'user@example.com' },
assigned_at: '2016-05-18T17:38:03-07:00',
deleted_at: null }
To delete a legal hold assignment and remove a legal hold policy from an item, call the
legalHoldPolicies.deleteAssignment(assignmentID, callback)
method. Note that this is an asynchronous process - the assignment will not be fully deleted
yet when the response comes back.
.then(() => {
// deletion started — no value returned
To retrieve information about a legal hold policy assignment, call the
legalHoldPolicies.getAssignment(assignmentID, options, callback)
.then(assignment => {
/* assignment -> {
type: 'legal_hold_policy_assignment',
id: '22222',
{ type: 'legal_hold_policy',
id: '11111',
policy_name: 'IRS Audit' },
assigned_to: { type: 'user', id: '33333' },
{ type: 'user',
id: '11111',
name: 'Example User',
login: 'user@example.com' },
assigned_at: '2016-05-18T10:32:19-07:00',
deleted_at: null }
Requesting information for only the fields you need with the fields
can improve performance and reduce the size of the network request.
client.legalHoldPolicies.getAssignment('22222', {fields: 'id,assigned_by,assigned_at'})
.then(assignment => {
/* assignment -> {
type: 'legal_hold_policy_assignment',
id: '22222',
{ type: 'user',
id: '11111',
name: 'Example User',
login: 'user@example.com' },
assigned_at: '2016-05-18T10:32:19-07:00' }
A file version legal hold is a record for a held file version. To get information
for a specific file version legal hold record, call the
legalHoldPolicies.getFileVersionLegalHold(legalHoldID, options, callback)
.then(fileVersionHold => {
/* fileVersionHold -> {
type: 'legal_hold',
id: '55555',
file_version: { type: 'file_version', id: '123456789' },
file: { type: 'file', id: '66666', etag: '1' },
[ { type: 'legal_hold_policy_assignment', id: '22222' },
{ type: 'legal_hold_policy_assignment', id: '33333' } ],
deleted_at: null }
Requesting information for only the fields you need with the fields
can improve performance and reduce the size of the network request.
client.legalHoldPolicies.getFileVersionLegalHold('8762345', {fields: 'id,file'})
.then(fileVersionHold => {
/* fileVersionHold -> {
type: 'legal_hold',
id: '55555',
file: { type: 'file', id: '66666', etag: '1' } }
To retrieve a list of all file version legal holds for a given policy, call the
legalHoldPolicies.getAllFileVersionLegalHolds(policyID, options, callback)
.then(holds => {
/* holds -> {
[ { type: 'legal_hold', id: '22222' },
{ type: 'legal_hold', id: '33333' },
{ type: 'legal_hold', id: '44444' } ],
limit: 100,
[ { by: 'retention_policy_set_id, file_version_id',
direction: 'ASC' } ] }