Added Nami's 6-filed model with neutrals to latest v5 bout++, that in…
Added Nami's 6-filed model with neutrals to latest v5 bout++, that in…
Revert "Disable metric components that require y-derivatives for fci"
Revert "Disable metric components that require y-derivatives for fci"
Apply black changes
Apply black changes
Support BOUT_FOR_RAJA GPU field operators
Support BOUT_FOR_RAJA GPU field operators
Deleted branch
Bump externalpackages/googletest from 2b6b042
to 3fbe4db
Bump externalpackages/googletest from
to 3fbe4db
4 days ago
Allow to overwrite MYG with options.
Allow to overwrite MYG with options.
Apply black changes
Apply black changes
Merge branch 'refactor-coordinates' into dry-up-examples
Merge branch 'refactor-coordinates' into dry-up-examples
Force push
If no value is specified for dpsi, set TokamakOptions.dx to mesh.getC…
If no value is specified for dpsi, set TokamakOptions.dx to mesh.getC…
Force push
Apply black changes
Apply black changes
Revert "Use free-function derivatives in metric tensor classes"
Revert "Use free-function derivatives in metric tensor classes"
Pass no shear condition to set_tokamak_coordinates_on_mesh() as an (o…
Pass no shear condition to set_tokamak_coordinates_on_mesh() as an (o…
Force push
Apply black changes
Apply black changes
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/next' into HEAD
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/next' into HEAD
Apply black changes
Apply black changes
Update pygithub requirement from ~=2.4 to ~=2.6
Update pygithub requirement from ~=2.4 to ~=2.6
Deleted branch
Bump externalpackages/googletest from 2b6b042
to a6ce08a
Bump externalpackages/googletest from
to a6ce08a
11 days ago
Bump externalpackages/boutdata from e458cf0
to 0aaef41
Bump externalpackages/boutdata from
to 0aaef41
11 days ago
Apply black changes
Apply black changes
docs: Fix a couple of links to no longer included .cxx
docs: Fix a couple of links to no longer included
filesremove non-petsc inversions
remove non-petsc inversions