Check as you review / update your work
- ♻️ I checked that I can't re-use existing methods/classes (inheritance, extensions...)
- 💥 I treated error codes and non-passing cases
- 🧪 I added tests (unit or instrumentation)
- 📓 I have documented interfaces and public methods
- 🔍️ I inspected the quality of my code (sonar / lint)
- 🌳 I checked my commits and branch naming gitmoji
- 💬 I have linked issues on this pull request
Delete unnecessary rows or all section
- 🧩 This pull request is not self-supporting, more work is needed
- 🥴 I'm not sure I haven't broken anything, please consider an hard review
- 🙏 I formatted files in same commits as my changes
- 📐 I've updated the architecture
- 🧬 I've experiment new design patterns
- 🔎 Please pay attention at these files :
Delete if unnecessary