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File metadata and controls

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Angular ngrx


  • Actions
  • Reducer : action -> new state
  • Selectors: get state info
  • Effects : SIDE - Effects von actions , die nicht den state beeinflussen
  • EntityState: handles collections of entities that are saved in the store as state.


ng add @ngrx/store
ng add @ngrx/store-devtools

Scaffolding (Gerüst) für store config für ein Modul:

  • ng generate store auth/Auth --module auth.module.ts wenn auth der pfad zum auth.module.ts ist. (evtl. muss hier noch korrigiert werden: import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment'; )
  • StoreModule.forFeature('auth', fromAuth.reducers) hier ist auth der name für den Bereich , zu sehen z.B. im NgRx Store DevTools -> State -> Raw

Store Service API

  • store injekten: im Constructor füge hinzu: private store : Store<State>, wobei
    • import { Store } from "@ngrx/store"; , und
    • State der Typ ist der im app.module.ts in ..imports... bei StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers }),als erster parameter von forRoot() definiert ist.
    • hier also reducers, welches seinerseits ein interface ist das von app.modules.ts aus gesehen in app/reducers/index.ts exportiert wurde: export interface State { (NICHT das , das in app/auth/reducers/index.ts definiert wurde! )
    • am besten in app/reducers/index.ts : State -> AppState umbenennen weil das ist der "global" - State !
  • der Store<State> ist auch ein Observable
  • der injectete store kann nicht direkt geändert werden, sondern Änderungen werden über dessen dispatch(Action) publiziert.

ngRx Actions

  • plain JavaScript Object für dispatch() mit einem type und (meistens) einem payload child.
    • can be a command, or
    • öfter noch ein event , der eine Änderung auf level der Componente mitteilt.
  • der Store selbst entscheidet, was mit einer Action konkret zu tun ist. defaultmäßig passiert erstmal gar nicht damit, auch der State wird nicht geändert.
  • Vorteil: lose coupling
  • Empfehlung: statt plain JavaScript Object besser ein explizit factory methode definieren und dann typesave verwenden. Die factory methode verwendet ihrerseits createAction() aus @ngrx/store:
export const login = createAction(
  "[Login Page] " //source, i.e.: "type" of the action
  ,props<{user:User}>()// props() from "@ngrx/store"
//and in the compoentent itself , which will deliver the user profile that needs to be dispached to the store:
 someObservable.pipe().(tap(user => dispatch(login({user:user})))).subscribe(user => ...)

filter for ngrx actions

given myAction = createAction(..) then you can filter in pipe(): ofType(myAction) for exactly this action


for some reason, Actions are imported and re-exportet in app/auth/action-types.ts. Seems to be merily a typescript - trick to get command-line - completion .


  • defines a function, what the store should do in response to Actions the are dispached to it.
  • this function can be created from a factory-function called createReducer() from @ngrx/store, possibly using the on() function :
export const authReducer = createReducer(
  on(AuthAction.login,(state,action) => {
    return {
      user: action.user
  //more reducers based on actions can be defined here

  • this authReducer then must be added to the *.module.ts - file for this module, in the @NgModules -> imports: -> StoreModule.forFeature('auth', authReducer)
  • a reducer should not return a modified previous state, it should instead return a new constructed/copied state


  • are executed BEFORE the normal reducers.
  • are executed in exactly the order given in reducers/index.ts in the Array : export const metaReducers: MetaReducer<AppState>[] = !environment.production ? [] : [];
  • a metaReducer must
    • implement: function logger(reducer: ActionReducer<any>):ActionReducer<any>
    • this function must return another 2nd anonymous function which in turn takes (state,action)
    • this 2nd function must call the reducer on the return statement using the parameters (state,action): return reducer(state,action)
  • Developers can think of meta-reducers as hooks into the action->reducer pipeline. Meta-reducers allow developers to pre-process actions before normal reducers are invoked.
  • e.g.: Using a meta-reducer to log all actions

Use state for deciding on what to show in the UI

  • inject the state store (Type private store : Store<AppState>) in the component via constructor, the type parameter either the root of the state or some child state. the root State is usually exportet in ./reducers/index.ts as a plain interface
  • use the *ngIf="myobs$ | async"to decide , whether the UI Element should be there
  • take the state (which is already an observable ), state.pipe(map(state => ...)) and map it to a boolean value and set this to your myobs$

ngrx - specific custom operators for observables

see angular_rxjs#ngRx Custom Operators for Observables

mapping functions with memory for optimizing

  • to avoid recalculating a mapping from a state/Store, if the relevant part of the state has not change
  • use createSelector() from @ngrx/store , define this in own seperate source file called xx.selector.ts
  • createSelector(selector , projector ) arguments are explained here
  • the selector is memoized for optimal performance, createSelector(selector , projector ) creates a mapping function, that has a memory and only makes the calculation if the arguments are not yet previousely seen. Otherwise it just returns the result from its cache.
  • use this in combination : observable$.pipe(select(myselector))

reusing a selector function:

if e.g. the inverse output from selectorFunctionA is needed you can write:

export const selectorFunctionB = createSelector(
  resultA => !resultA

type safe feature selectors

  • to select a specific part of the global state/store in a typesafe way: export const authSelector = createFeatureSelector<AuthState>("auth") if "AuthState" is the type of the part of the global state/store we want to have selected and "auth" is the name of it. eg.:
  auth: {
    user: {
      id: "1"
      email: "[email protected]"
  • result can be used as the first argument to createSelector(..,..)

get the complete state:
    .select<any>((state: any) => state) // the complete state this time!!!
    .subscribe((completeState: any) => console.log(completeState));

Effects Module

  • an Effect is a Service that gets all Actions, just like Reducers, and makes a side - effect from some of the Actions (so Actions are normaly filtered first).
  • add the EffectsModule.forRoot([]) to app.module.ts - > imports:
  • add the EffectsModule.forFeature([]) to a submodule-imports
  • a Effect is a Service class, so you need @Injectable()
  • the important part here is the constructor(private actions$:Actions)
    • here you filter for the relevant actions see Action Filter above
    • you could subscribe() and perform your code in the subscribe, but better use tap() in the pipe() after the ofType()-filter, BECAUSE then you get type-information for the action (from the ofType()-filter before the tap())

using createEffect() instead of constructor

  • using createEffect() from @ngrx/effects instead of constructor is even better, e.g. because of error handling.
  • instead for deriving a new observable from the action$ and subscribe to it, createEffect() takes the observable and subscribe to it automaticaly
  • an effect that makes an side-effect from actions but dispaches no other actions
export class AuthEffects {
  login$ = createEffect(()=>this.actions$.pipe(
    tap(action => localStorage.setItem('myKey', JSON.stringify(action.user)))
  {dispatch:false})// don't forget this
  constructor(private actions$: Actions) {}

mapping to another Action

maps one action to another action , while possibly doing some side effect

effectName$ = createEffect(
 () => this.actions$.pipe(
    map((myObject) => FeatureActions.actionTwo(myObject))

so in this case the last map operation needs to return (not dispatch() ) the new action

Reducers vs. Effects

  • Reducer gets an Action and changes the State
  • Effects gets an Action and does a Sideeffect and dispaches another action or no action
  • Effect-Class and Reducer-Class, if you have both Effect-class and Reducer-class react to the same action type, Reducer-class will react first, and then Effect-class
  • definition of a Reducer always needs an initial state defined.
  • Effects don't do anything with the State/Store

Debugging ngrx

  • zusammen mit @ngrx/store-devtools (siehe oben)
  • debugging the router states: add to app.module.ts -> @NgModules -> imports StoreRouterConnectionModule.forRoot({ stateKey:'router',routerState:RouterState.Minimal})
    • and add to app/reducers/index.ts : export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<AppState> = {router:routerReducer};
  • runtime check for NOT mutating of the store - state: add in app.module.ts -> @NgModules -> imports :
StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers, 
        strictStateImmutability: true,
        strictActionImmutability: true,
        strictActionSerializability: true,
        strictStateSerializability: true}

rgrx Entities

native implementation:

  • entities: {[key:number]:MyClass}
  • for easy search using the key
  • additional indices possible using myIndex:number[]

better using ngrx EntitieState

  • define a MyClassStore interface that extends EntitieState<MyClass> in myclass.reducers.ts
  • optional add additional fields, eg.: a "loaded"-Flag if needed
  • use EntityAdapter<MyClass> by adapter = createEntityAdapter<MyClass>()
  • export the adapter as a const (no Class required)
  • use adapters methods, e.g. : adapter.getInitialState() and adapter.addAll() to get or add data.
  • add the new reducer to xxx.module.ts to imports: StoreModule.forFeature('myClassName', myReducer)

optional arguments for createEntityAdapter()

  • Docu
  • {sortComparer:mySortFunction,...}comparer for sorting (only the primary index table "ids", not the "entities" gets sortet)
  • {selectId:myId,...} replacement for the "id:" - default property , if we want to use "courseId:" instead for just "id:"


use Update<T> from '@ngrx/entity' as an argument to the action that changes the store.

rgrx Selectors

  • own file courses.selector.ts
  • create a selectMyClassState for the "MyClass" feature by createFeatureSelector<EntityState<MyClass>> as a BASE for alle other selectors
  • create the actual selectors (using selectMyClassState) by using createSelector()
    • either use the EntityAdapter<MyClass>-select-methods-(pointer!) , we can get from adapter.getSelectors() in createSelector()
    • OR : first arg of createSelector() is another Selector for Pre-Selection, 2nd arg is the actual selector, which is a lambda or another method-pointer (which can be derived from EntityAdapter<MyClass>.getSelectors()).
  • selectors can be stacked on each other : a new selector uses existing selectors as pre-selectors

getting observable from the store using selectors

  • inject the Store<MyState> into a class constructor (the Store is already a Injectable instantiatet automaticaly by StoreModule)
  • obs$ = wheras pipe(select()) is equal to pipe(map(),distinctUnitilChanged())

NgRx Data

  • add EntityDataModule.forRoot({}) to app.module.ts -> imports: Config {} empty, if no entities are directly associated with app.module but with a child-module
  • im child-module: define "const" - configurationVariable of Type EntityMetadataMap , with at least one element "MyEntity" (singular)
  • inject the EntityDefinitionService to constructor of the ChildModule class and register() this EntityMetadataMap- object defined before as a config to the EntityDefinitionService
  • all entities need to be configured in the EntityMetadataMap
  • create an MyClassEntityService that extends EntityCollectionServiceBase as a *.service.ts file and make it @Injectable()
  • its constructor needs a EntityCollectionServiceElementsFactory and pass this to super() as 2nd arg, together with the name of the entity MyClass as a string as its 1st arg.
  • this service needs to be defined as a provider and injected in ChildModules constructor()

using MyClassEntityService in the Router Resolver

  • the loading from backend and storing in the local store still needs to be plugged in somewhere. Good place is the route - resolver, just like with see Router Resolver
  • inject the MyClassEntityService in to the MyResolverService which should implement Resolve<T>
  • use the "loaded" and the "loading" - flags via MyClassEntityService.loaded$ Observable to decide whether the data are already in the store. only if they are not , get the data from the backend via MyClassEntityService.getAll()
  • the overwritten resolve() - method should return the MyClassEntityService.loaded$. In additon , we pipe the Observable and tap(loaded => ...) it. In the tap() , we get the data from the backend, only if loaded was false
  • after the tap() , we need to filter for loaded==true and then we only interested in the first() element
  • first() is mandatory, since the Router otherwise would wait indefinitely , until the Observable is completed

customize ngrx Data

  • to adapt rgrx Data to non-standard-convention data-structure from the backend
  • for this ngrx Data uses another Service: myclass-data.service.ts as @Injectable()
  • create a new MyDataSerivce class that extends the DefaultDataService<MyClass>
  • inject the HttpClient via its constructor()
  • inject also a HttpUrlGenerator
  • pass them to the super() constuctor in addition to to the 'MyClass' -String
  • plug MyDataSerivce in to the xxx.module.ts as a provider AND inject it in the ModuleClass constructor AND inject also the generic EntityDataService (import from ngrx data) AND inject the MyDataSerivce AND register MyDataSerivce to EntityDataService , 1st arg: 'MyEntityName' (eg. 'Courses') end arg instance of MyDataSerivce
  • the actual customization is done in the MyDataSerivce by overwriting some methods from its base class.
  • overwriting the getAll()method , we can change the URL and the data-mapping from the default behaviour.

defining a sort criterium in EntityMetadataMap

  • add a sortComparar to EntityMetadataMap

CRUD operations

  • works via MyClassEntityService extends EntityCollectionServiceBase<MyClass>
  • default behaviour for update() is "pessimisic" , can be changes in EntityMetadataMap config
  • new Entities via add(); add should be kept pessimistic because IDs might be generated on the backend only. -> therefore the dialogue.close() should be performed after the data are saved
  • delete(): is optimistic by default

loading entitys with query Params

  • use EntityCollectionServiceBase<MyClass>.entity$.getWithQueriy()
  • getWithQuery() args are a json depending on the backend:

changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush

    selector: 'home',
    templateUrl: './home.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./home.component.css'],
    changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush // should work out of the box
    // with ngrx data , as long as in the html template only async pipes are used for the data
export class HomeComponent 


  • All reducers that potentially change the state or the (feature-) slice of the state need to be together in one module/feature
  • but you can read not only the state of the local feature-slice but always also the whole global state. You just can not WRITE from an external/another module/feature. BUT lazy loaded modules could not be loaded yet, so the corresponding state/slice could not exist yet.
  • you can dispatch action in another module, can you really ? be aware of violating dependeny cycles to other modules!

effect vs Route Guard

to load data 2 possibilities:

  1. trigger a "Load" - Action on ngOnInit of the Component to be displayed now, and let an effect then load the data, then the effect triggers another action to store the new data in the store. -> needs 2 actions: one for tigger loading from backend, one for trigger loading data into the store
  2. or: make a Route Guard for the Components route and load the data in the canActivate function and then trigger an event to push these data into the store -> needs only 1 action plus one route guard.

atvantage of route guard: if there is an error , the browser does not show the Component matching the route but stays on the current route because the route guard is false. so if we want to show the error message to the user , we need to show in on the current (old) route instead in the Component matching the target route.

see : preloading-ngrx-store-route-guards

Router effects

success case

  • After a asynchronos "save" data effect you can either just fire a "save success" event that set a "success flag" in the state, which you can use to show a "success" Snackbar.


  • you can send a "redirect" action , which in turn should trigger a Router - Event , that inturn redirects the user back to a overview page and only then optionally in addition show a success if necessary.

error case

  • same for errors: a asynchronos "save" data effect you can either just fire a "save erro" event that set a "error flag" in the state, which you can use to show a "error" Snackbar.


  • you can send a "redirect" action , which in turn should trigger a Router - Event , that inturn redirects the user back to a error page.

Testing ngrx Store

with Mock-Store

beforeEach(async () => {
    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      declarations: [BookListComponent],
      schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],
      providers: [
          initialState: mockStateWithBooksEntities()
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(BookListComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
    store = TestBed.inject(MockStore);
    dispatchSpy = spyOn(store, 'dispatch');

with real ngrx store:

beforeEach(() => {
        imports: [
          StoreModule.forFeature('cars', carsReducer, { initialState }),
        providers: [CarsComponent]
      class CustomFeatureModule {}

        imports: [
      class RootModule {}
      TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [RootModule] });

      store = TestBed.get(Store);

from :