The following code is going to generate an RSA key. A default-spec is an RSASpec with 2048 bit modulus. In this case, the variable to receive the key is rsaKeyPair.
mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair rsaKeyPair = mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair::generateRSA();
The following code is going to generate an ECC key. A default-spec is an ECCspec with a PRIME_256v1 curve (aka NIST P-256 or secp256r1). In this case, the variable to receive the key is eccKeyPair.
mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair eccKeyPair = mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair::generateECC();
It's possible to generate custom keys by providing the generate method with an RSASpec or ECCSpec.
A default RSA key size is set up in case none is specified by the user. In this example, the function receives an RSASpec parameter with a size of 1024. The variable _rsaKeyPair1024 will hold the RSA key generated.
mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair rsaKeyPair1024 = mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair::generate(mococrw::RSASpec{1024});
ECCSpec can be created by setting a custom curve type. List of all supported keys:
PRIME_192v1 = NID_X9_62_prime192v1,
PRIME_256v1 = NID_X9_62_prime256v1,
SECP_224r1 = NID_secp224r1,
SECP_384r1 = NID_secp384r1,
SECP_521r1 = NID_secp521r1,
SECT_283k1 = NID_sect283k1,
SECT_283r1 = NID_sect283r1,
SECT_409k1 = NID_sect409k1,
SECT_409r1 = NID_sect409r1,
SECT_571k1 = NID_sect571k1,
SECT_571r1 = NID_sect571r1,
mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair eccKeyPairSect571r1 = mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair::generate(mococrw::ECCSpec{openssl::ellipticCurveNid::SECT_571r1});
Another functionality of the library is writing the key to a Pem string. A default RSA key pair is being written to Pem. The process is the same regardless the key type.
const std::string pemOfKey = rsaKeyPair.publicKeyToPem();
When writing a private key to a Pem we must give it a password.
const std::string pemOfPrivateKey = eccPrivKey.privateKeyToPem("password");
The following variables pemEccPrivKeySect409k1 and pemEccPubKeySect409k1 hold a PEM representation of the public and private key, respectively.
Public Key:
std::string pemEccPubKeySect409k1{R"(-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----)"};
mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey eccPubKey = mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::readPublicKeyFromPEM(KeyHandlingTests::_pemEccPubKeySect409k1);
The correct password must be provided to get the private key. Private Key:
std::string pemEccPrivKeySect409k1{R"(-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----)"};
mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair eccPrivKey = mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair::readPrivateKeyFromPEM(KeyHandlingTests::_pemEccPrivKeySect409k1, "correct_password");
As openssl does not support dilithium yet, generating and reading keys is implemented using different classes.
auto spec = DilithiumSpec(DilithiumKeyImpl::DilithiumParameterSet::DILITHIUM2);
auto priv_key = spec.generate();
// ------------ OR ------------------ //
auto priv_key_2 = DilithiumAsymmetricKeypair::generate(DilithiumSpec());
The following dilithium parameter sets are supported:
- DilithiumKeyImpl::DilithiumParameterSet::DILITHIUM2
- DilithiumKeyImpl::DilithiumParameterSet::DILITHIUM3
- DilithiumKeyImpl::DilithiumParameterSet::DILITHIUM5
The default parameter set is DILITHIUM3 as recommended by the authors(see
The DER format for the public key is described here. Sample keys are stored in the tests folder.
// Reading a public key
auto pubKeyData = utility::bytesFromFile<uint8_t>(<PATH_TO_FILE>);
auto pubKey = DilithiumAsymmetricPublicKey::readPublicKeyfromDER(pubKeyData);
The DER format for the private key is described here. Sample keys are stored in the tests folder.
// Reading a private key
auto privKeyData = utility::bytesFromFile<uint8_t>(<PATH_TO_FILE>);
auto privKey = DilithiumAsymmetricPrivateKey::readPrivateKeyfromDER(privKeyData);
Writing keys to disk is not supported.