Use OpenBCIHub v2.0.9 please.
- Minor UI/UX edits for style and clarity
- Update Cyton SD card duration select from MenuList to ScrollableList
- Update UI/UX in SSVEP widget
- Update links to OpenBCI Forum and new Docs at GitHub Pages
- Only delete settings files if they are old/broken
- Fix 'Open Log as Text' feature in ConsoleLog
- Delete old/broken user and default settings when attempting to load
- Place this widget in BETA mode w/ description in widget help text
- Implement FFT over LSL
- Auto-switch to Band Power instead of FFT for Serial output
- Add link to networking output guide for all data types
- Update Radio Config tools and UI to be more user-friendly
- Establish minimum GUI app size of 705x400
- Add reusable ChannelSelect class to Widget.pde #573
- Allow up to 20 seconds for GUI to connect to Hub #531
- Added SSVEP widget! (Thanks @leanneapichay)
- Update/restructure settings for TimeSeries and Networking
- Update Cyton RadioConfig in Control Panel to be more user friendly
- Scale widget selector dropdown based on widget height to allow for more widgets
- Close network streams when session is ended or app is closed
- Networking settings not being saved/loaded properly
- Update Ganglion Impedance button text when successfully stopped
- Check Hub connect on app start using TimerTask #531
- Calculate playback mode time using last column for backwards compatibility #546
Use OpenBCIHub v2.0.9 please.
- Fix app crash when streaming 16ch over LSL #557
- Update Serial EMG output in Networking Widget
- Add Accelerometer and Aux Data output to Networking Widget #532
- Rename "Start/Stop System" button to "Start/Stop Session"
- Add absolute timestamp to LSL stream for all data types #530
- Update OpenBCI Data Format using Sessions #483
- Add dropdown to limit recording duration for OpenBCI Data Format #461
- Show intro animation on launch instead of grey screen
- Clear Playback History dropdown when settings are cleared #521
- Accelerometer Widget values display correct data
- Fix NullPointerExceptions caused by Data Log updates #548
- Fix BLED112 Impedance check in HUB by allowing 2 seconds for command/success
- GUI now produces valid BDF files Fixes #441
- Relocate User data to Documents folder on all OS #535
Use OpenBCIHub v2.0.8 please.
- Add additional button hover text
- Console log message cleanup
- Fix #418, #493, #506, #422, and #509
- Shorten file names in playback history when needed
- New coloring for Band Power widget
- Smooth and filter dropdowns added to Band Power
- Improved axis labels on Band Power widget
- Cleaned up some console output
- On windows, properly scale for High DPI displays
- Fix crash when opening the console window
- Fix crash when selecting a playback file from the playback widget
- Fix crash when loading old settings file
- Fix buttons being clicked under dropdowns
- Expert mode button to toggle advanced keyboard shortcuts
- Clear GUI settings button w/ confirmation
- New icon for "back to start" button in Playback mode
- Playback History widget functionality and appearance
- Optimized playback history
- Adjust Networking Widget appearance and scaling
- Explicitly warn users when the HUB is not running
- Fixed: Ganglion accelerometer starts "on" but data not streaming
- Fixed: LSL streaming in standalone GUI
Use OpenBCIHub v2.0.7 please.
- Added Console Log window in the GUI, so users can diagnose and report issues
- Time in status line is not updated every seconds #443
- Playback Mode: Playback slider and start data stream clears graphs #438
- Load correct default settings for FFT X and Y axis
Use OpenBCIHub v2.0.6 please.
- Cyton impedance check did not work for Ch16 #427
- Sync Time Series and Accelerometer functionality and appearance #410
- Option to sync time window in Accelerometer and Analog Read #410
- Choose recent playback files from a dropdown in the Control Panel
- Add GUI version info to Update button help text #407
- Fix Time Series graph display issue #247
- Align Ganglion accelerometer data to match Cyton #398
- Fixed the GUI freezing on launch with a grey screen #409 #406 #426
Use OpenBCIHub v2.0.5 please.
- Cyton impedance check did not work #427
Use OpenBCIHub v2.0.3 please.
- On Windows, it is no longer necessary to launch the HUB separately.
- The HUB is packaged within the GUI on Windows, just like on Mac and Linux.
- Ganglion did not work for Mojave #402
- Ganglion could not do playback file #399
- Fixed bug where cyton (and cyton daisy) did not work for auxData #414
- Fixed bug where GUI does not start hub on Windows #300
- Initial Release
Use OpenBCIHub v2.0.2 please.
- Timestamps in CSV now come from the OpenBCIHub
- Playback widget with recent file history
- Update GUI button and version check
- Now sending and receiving from the hub in JSON!
Use OpenBCIHub v2.0.0 please.
- Timestamps in CSV now come from the OpenBCIHub
- Playback widget with recent file history
- Update GUI button and version check
- Now sending and receiving from the hub in JSON!
- Add number of channels to output of odf files.
- Ganglion did not work
- Ganglion accel did not work
- Ganglion over bled112 did not work
- Added playback widget to address #48 #55
- Added button to check version and update GUI
- Initial Release with an error
- Initial Release
Use OpenBCIHub v1.4.5 please.
- Save/Load your favorite GUI settings via dropdown menu or keyboard shortcut (thanks @retiutut)
- Auto-Load settings when system starts
- Auto-Save settings when system stops
- Default settings option added to Settings dropdown
- Pulse streaming added to Networking
- Added fourth stream to OSC mode
- Added plist file to add settings for information when app is built (thanks @retiutut)
- Added playback scrollbar sub-widget
- Add BLED112 support for windows and linux
- Added playback scrollbar sub-widget #38
- Ganglion-accelerometer behavior when loading
- Catch error when using outdated playback files #348
- Save/Load default and user settings for all data modes independently
- Fixed Ganglion-GUI experience on startup when loading settings
- Error catch: allow ~ 4 seconds to apply channel settings to Cyton when loading
- Fixed issue where convert from SD card could cause crash #351
- Fixed issue with accel and playback file.
- Fix activate/deactivate channels for Ganglion when loading settings
- Further cleanup of error messages on system start
- Make Channel On/Off buttons more readable with white text #361
- Remove a bunch of outputs
- Fixed bug where app crashed on Ganglion load
- Moved the JSON user settings to SavedData
- Added Info.plist
- Add BLED112 support for windows and linux
- Fixed bug where app crashed on Ganglion load
- Ganglion channels stay activated after load from settings.
Initial Release
Use OpenBCIHub v1.4.4 please.
- Fixed bug where ganglion accel did not work
Use OpenBCIHub v1.4.2 please.
- Fixed bug where SD files were called csv
- Fixed bug where SD files could not be played back in gui
- Fixed bug where SD files could freeze the GUI
- Fixed bug where GUI crashed on windows and linux (thanks @chrisjz) #331
- Added a bunch of checking to avoid exception errors when not running as mac to prevent BLED112
- Fixed a bug where the GUI did not work with processing 3.3.7 #316
Initial release with bug fixes!
Use OpenBCIHub v1.4.2 please.
- Add support for BLED112
- Add support for static IP for wifi
- Fixes a bunch of spacing and layout issues found when switching between the different interfaces
- There was a problem with the release
- Add support for static IP for wifi
- Bump Hub to v1.4.2
- Fix bug with Hub, bump hub to v1.4.1
- Initial release
Use OpenBCIHub v1.3.9 please.
- Add the Digital Read widget
- Add the Analog Read widget
- Add the Marker Mode widget
- Add info, warn, success, and error types to output function to alert user in help widget.
- Did not write aux values for Cyton with Daisy #272
- Did not write to the SD card #277
- Add button to accelerometer widget to turn accel mode on if the user was just using digital, analog, or marker mode.
- Fixes #192 with drop down of different color themes.
- Fixes #285 by moving the wifi options to the right of the drop down pane.
- Fixes #270 where macOS 10.13 could not connect to Ganglion
- Fixes #247 where the timer series graph looked strange with 7 seconds.
- Added stability for ganglion bluetooth #270
- Update the hub to 1.3.7 to catch more wifi errors
- Finished the udp/tcp
- Add colors to help widget.
Finished Analog and Digital read widgets.
Initial release
Use hub v1.3.4 please.
- Added new files for Contributing, code of conduct and roadmap
- Refactored readme with banner image, and all in all made it sweet.
- Added 500Hz sample rate option for WiFi Shield Cyton
- SD Converted file goes into
instead ofdata/EED_Data
. #267 - Sending data over UDP produced unreadable raw format. Switched to JSON output.
- All UDP output sends a serialized json packet ending with
- Data files are now saved with
instead of.txt
- "Data stream stopped" would be shown to users even if no data stream was stopped #263
- Accel did not work for wifi Daisy #265
- Users would have to close the GUI before restarting after cyton or ganglion session #262
- Design your own widget link #261
Implement overhaul of GUI docs.
- #261 #267
Initial release.
- FIX: #254 LSL, UDP, OSC ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Stream with 4 or 16 channels
v3.0.0 set out to move all of the data collection to the electron hub. This means moving serial port parsing as well.
- Able to use wifi shield with GUI. Streams in at 1000Hz for Cyton and 1600Hz for Ganglion.
- Dependent on electron hub for all data streaming activity.
Uses OpenBCIHub v1.3.0
- Closes: #191
Uses OpenBCIHub v1.2.0
- Closes: #208 - ganglion not using correct scale factor when on wifi high resolution mode
- Fixes bug where gui started in 45 fps frame rate
- Critical windows hub patches
Initial RC
- Closes #202 #205 #207
- Closes #203
Required a lot of work on the hub. But none the less, this seems to be working decently.
- Closes #196 #195 #194 #193 #190 #188 #187 #186 #189
The first beta to be released. There are some minor issues, but if any are encountered, please open an issue on the github page.
- Addresses #121 -
incompatible changed ending to.bdf
- Closes #148 - LSL does not stream correctly
- Fix #151 - Incorrect number of channels on playback caused index out of bounds errors.
- Addresses #149 - Allows for proper scaling of channels with four thanks to #151 #157
- Band power widget #153 (thanks @sunwangshu)
- Closes #138 - Able to drag and drop the electrodes on the head map (thanks @liqwid)
- Closes #142 - GUI needs to pass key strokes to Ganglion
- Fix #120 - Locale dependent formatting cause issue with output ODF file.
- Fix #111 - No compatible USB now shows error in output, not an annoying popup.
- Removed space in GanglionHub to be able to kill the hub on windows.
- Issue #111 where Windows users saw error message from Ganglion Hub on start up if no hub selected.
- Initial Release