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334 lines (249 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

334 lines (249 loc) · 10.1 KB

Let's consider that we would like to create a test element that in Bitloops Language(BL) would look like this:


Test MyTest {
    string name;
    string description;

We would have to create the syntax using Antlr in lexer and parser as below:


Test:               'Test';
TestIdentifier:     UpperCaseStart IdentifierPart* Test;


    : TestIdentifier

    : Test testIdentifier OpenBrace fieldList CloseBrace

// Here add the new element in the source elements of the program
    | testDeclaration

Then we would have to create the visitors of the new elements:


In visitor we create a tree with nodes that include all the information of the element and each node has it's children nodes. In order to build that tree of nodes, we use builders.


TestDeclaration is a class type element (like Entity, Value Object, etc...) and that means that we have to add a node under the root of the tree. That's why we are not returning anything in this visitor, because the TestNodeBuilder will just take care of this and add the TestDeclarationNode under the root of the tree. Each visitor that we are calling (e.g. thisVisitor.visit(ctx.testIdentifier())), returns it's corresponding node which is built by it's builder.

visitTestDeclaration(ctx: BitloopsParser.TestDeclarationContext): void {
    testDeclarationVisitor(this, ctx);

export const testDeclarationVisitor = (
  thisVisitor: BitloopsVisitor,
  ctx: BitloopsParser.TestDeclarationContext,
): void => {
  const metadata = produceMetadata(ctx, thisVisitor);
  const testIdentifierNode: TestIdentifierNode = thisVisitor.visit(ctx.testIdentifier());
  const fieldListNode: FieldListNode = thisVisitor.visit(ctx.fieldList());

  new TestNodeBuilder(thisVisitor.intermediateASTTree, metadata)


Here we have the TestIdentifier visitor that is returning the TestIdentifierNode by the TestIdentifierNodeBuilder. That's how testDeclarationVisitor has the information that it needs in order to continue.

visitTestIdentifier(ctx: BitloopsParser.TestIdentifierContext): TestIdentifierNode {
    const metadata = produceMetadata(ctx, this);

    const testIdentifier = ctx.TestIdentifier().getText();
    const testIdentifierNode = new TestIdentifierNodeBuilder(metadata)

    return testIdentifierNode;


All the nodes are classes that have a name, a type and some metadata(includes the start/end lines of the element). We have an abstract class called IntermediateASTNode that every other node extends from it and also the class IntermediateASTTree that has all the nodes. Below are some basic methods of the two classes that are useful.


addChild: It adds the child to the node that is applied.

addSibling: It adds the sibling to the node that is applied.

buildObjectValue: It builds the value of the node(its children with their values) as an object.

buildArrayValue: It builds the value of the node as an array with objects(children values).

buildLeafValue: It builds the value of the node, by creating an object with key the name of the node and value its actual value.


insertChild: It inserts its child to currentNode and makes it the new currentNode.

insertSibling: It inserts the node as child to the parent of the currentNode and makes it the new currentNode.


TestDeclarationNode is a class type node as we said, so it has to extend ClassTypeNode. This node has also class type attribute.

export class TestDeclarationNode extends ClassTypeNode {
  private static classType = ClassTypes.Test;
  private static classNodeName = "test";

  constructor(metadata?: TNodeMetadata) {
      classType: TestDeclarationNode.classType,
      nodeType: BitloopsTypesMapping.TTest,
      classNodeName: TestDeclarationNode.classNodeName,


TestIdentifierNode is an identifier node, so it has to extend IntermediateASTIdentifierNode.

export class TetsIdentifierNode extends IntermediateASTIdentifierNode {
  private static classNodeName = "testIdentifier";

  constructor(metadata?: TNodeMetadata) {


FieldListNode is a simple node, so it has to extend IntermediateASTNode. This node and it's visitor is already implemented, but it can be reused and is a great example to show all the possible cases.

export class FieldListNode extends IntermediateASTNode {
  private static classNodeName = "fields";

  constructor(metadata?: TNodeMetadata) {


FieldNode is a simple node as well, so it has to extend IntermediateASTNode.

export class FieldNode extends IntermediateASTNode {
  private static classNodeName = "field";

  constructor(metadata?: TNodeMetadata) {
    super(BitloopsTypesMapping.TField, metadata, FieldNode.classNodeName);


Builders are following the builder pattern and its one of them builds a node. Each with... method takes a node argument and returns itself.


TestDeclarationNodeBuilder builds TestDeclarationNode which is a class type node. This builder, as we said before, is responsible for adding the class type node under the root of the tree. So, it takes as argument the tree and in the build method it inserts to it it's children and sets the current node to root again. It also builds its value by calling buildObjectValue method. Builders that build class type nodes, also need to get the identifier name and set it as className to the class type node(here TestDeclarationNode). So, withIdentifier method is responsible for doing exactly this.

export class TestDeclarationNodeBuilder
  implements IBuilder<TestDeclarationNode>
  private testDeclarationNode: TestDeclarationNode;
  private identifierNode: TestIdentifierNode;
  private fieldListNode: FieldListNode;
  private intermediateASTTree: IntermediateASTTree;

    intermediateASTTree: IntermediateASTTree,
    metadata?: TNodeMetadata
  ) {
    this.intermediateASTTree = intermediateASTTree;
    this.testDeclarationNode = new TestDeclarationNode(metadata);

  public withIdentifier(
    testIdentifierNode: TestIdentifierNode
  ): TestDeclarationNodeBuilder {
    this.identifierNode = testIdentifierNode;
    const testName = testIdentifierNode.getIdentifierName();
    return this;

  public withFieldList(
    fieldListNode: FieldListNode
  ): TestDeclarationNodeBuilder {
    this.fieldListNode = fieldListNode;
    return this;

  public build(): TestDeclarationNode {



    return this.testDeclarationNode;


TestDeclarationNodeBuilder builds TestIdentifierNode. It just builds its value by calling buildLeafValue method, because it's a leaf node. Here we don't need the intermediateASTTree we just handle the node, it is needed only in class type node builders.

export class TestIdentifierNodeBuilder implements IBuilder<TestIdentifierNode> {
  private testIdentifierNode: TestIdentifierNode;
  private name: string;

  constructor(metadata?: TNodeMetadata) {
    this.testIdentifierNode = new TestIdentifierNode(metadata);

  public withName(identifierName: string): TestIdentifierNodeBuilder { = identifierName;
    return this;

  public build(): TestIdentifierNode {

    return this.testIdentifierNode;


FieldListNodeBuilder builds FieldListNode. It adds in this node all the fieldNodes children and builds its value by calling buildArrayValue method.

export class FieldListNodeBuilder implements IBuilder<FieldListNode> {
  private fieldListNode: FieldListNode;
  private fieldNodes: FieldNode[];

  constructor(metadata?: TNodeMetadata) {
    this.fieldListNode = new FieldListNode(metadata);

  public withFields(fields: FieldNode[]): FieldListNodeBuilder {
    this.fieldNodes = fields;
    return this;

  public build(): FieldListNode {
    if (this.fieldNodes) {
      this.fieldNodes.forEach((fieldNode) => {

    return this.fieldListNode;


FieldNodeBuilder builds FieldNode. It adds in this node all of its children and builds its value by calling buildObjectValue method.

export class FieldNodeBuilder implements IBuilder<FieldNode> {
  private typeNode: BitloopsPrimaryTypeNode;
  private identifierNode: IdentifierNode;
  private optionalNode?: OptionalNode;
  private fieldNode: FieldNode;

  constructor() {
    this.fieldNode = new FieldNode();

  public withType(typeNode: BitloopsPrimaryTypeNode): FieldNodeBuilder {
    this.typeNode = typeNode;
    return this;

  public withName(identifierNode: IdentifierNode): FieldNodeBuilder {
    this.identifierNode = identifierNode;
    return this;

  public withOptional(optionalNode: OptionalNode): FieldNodeBuilder {
    this.optionalNode = optionalNode;
    return this;

  public build(): FieldNode {
    if (this.optionalNode) this.fieldNode.addChild(this.optionalNode);


    return this.fieldNode;