BLE connect
- Try connecting while no Crazyradio is attached and no nearby CF2 is switched on
- => expected error: BLE connection timeout (Toast)
- Try connecting while no Crazyradio is attached and Bluetooth is turned off
- => expected error: An app wants to turn on Bluetooth (Pop-up)
- Try connecting while no Crazyradio is attached and nearby CF2 is switched on
- connect button should turn BLUE, CF connection LED should blink rapidly
- play gently with thrust to see if the control commands are sent
- Try connecting while no Crazyradio is attached and no nearby CF2 is switched on
Crazyradio connect
- Try connecting while Crazyradio is attached and no nearby CF is switched on
- => expected error: "Connecting", "Too many packets lost" and "Disconnected" toasts
- Try connecting while Crazyradio is attached and nearby CF2 is switched on with wrong channel
- => expected error: "Connecting", "Too many packets lost" and "Disconnected" toasts
- Try connecting while Crazyradio is attached and nearby CF is switched on
- connect button should turn GREEN. CF connection LED should blink rapidly
- play gently with thrust to see if the control commands are sent
- Try connecting while Crazyradio is attached and no nearby CF is switched on
- Preferences - Crazyradio stats
- Open the preferences menu while Crazyradio is attached
- Open the connection settings
- Radio stats should show firmware version number and serial number.
- Preferences - Crazyradio scan
- Open the preferences menu while Crazyradio is attached and nearby CF is switched on
- Open the connection settings
- Start radio scan (how long does it take?)
- => at least one CF should be found
- Preferences - Crazyradio scan
- Open the preferences menu while no Crazyradio is attached
- Open the connection settings
- => all Crazyradio settings should be greyed out
- Remove JSON file manually, disable network connection and restart the activity
- expected error: "No local file found. No network connection available. Please check your connectivity."
- Remove JSON file manually and see if it's downloaded on the next start of the Bootloader activity
- With an existing JSON file, disable network connection and restart activity
- => list should be filled with last available JSON
- Firmware list should be filled
- Check the order of the firmwares (newest should be on the top)
- Try info button to see release notes
- Remove all downloaded firmwares, disable network connection and start flashing
- Try flashing while no Crazyradio is attached
- => expected error: "Please make sure that a Crazyradio (PA) is connected."
- Try flashing while Crazyradio is attached
- Try flashing while no nearby CF is switched on (in bootloader mode)
- => should show search dialog
- => expected error: "No Crazyflie found in bootloader mode" (after 10 seconds)
- Try flashing CF1 firmware onto CF2
- => expected error "Incompatible firmware version"
- Try flashing CF2 firmware onto CF1
- => expected error "Incompatible firmware version"
- Try flashing CF2 firmware onto CF2
- => progress bar should move
- => console should be filled with messages
- => after flashing, CF should be restarted automatically into firmware mode
- Try interrupting a flashing process
- double back button
- => connection should be stopped (GREEN LED on CF should stop blinking)
- detach Crazyradio
- => connection should be stopped
- double back button
- Try flashing while no nearby CF is switched on (in bootloader mode)
- Attach Crazyradio
- "Crazyradio attached" Toast should appear and sound played
- "Choose an app for the USB device" should appear
- Select Crazyflie Client
- Detach Crazyradio
- "Crazyradio detached" Toast should appear and sound played
- Detach Crazyradio while control commands are sent
- expected error: "Too many packets lost" (should actually be a different error message)