An Application Programming Interface (API) that receives requests from the React client and responds with JSON data.
The API includes the following third-party Node JS Modules:
bcryptjs - Password Hashing - Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive function: over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computation power.
body-parser - Express middleware to handle incoming requests and their payload or 'body'.
express - Web server framework for Node JS.
express-bearer-token - Attempts to extract a authorization token from incoming requests.
jsonwebtoken - Signs and verifies JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
mongoose - A MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
passport - Express-compatible authentication middleware.
passport-local - Passport strategy for authentication with a username and password.
The API includes the following modules written for the Bionet:
An assortment of express middleware functions that handle access control to the API.
Middleware that verifies the JSON Web Token and determines if the User has administrator priviledges.
Example:'/virtuals/:virtualID/edit', adminRequired, (req, res) => { /*...*/ })
Middleware that verifies the JSON Web Token and determines if the User exists.
app.get('/profile', userRequired, (req, res) => { /*...*/ })
Middleware that verifies the JSON Web Token and determines if the User has administrator priviledges or is the owner of the record being operated on in the database.
Example:'/physicals/:physicalID/remove', adminOrOwnerRequired, (req, res) => { /*...*/ })
A module to house database connection and events.
An asynchronous function that loads configuration for the connection to the database, connects to the database and logs on successful connect and disconnect.
An assortment of asynchronous functions to populate both breadcrumb array and recursive child records.
An asynchronous function that takes any Model as a parameter and returns an array of that Models records from the database, with the current breadcrumbs and recursive children appended to the database record.
const fetchAll = require('./modules/fetch').fetchAll;
.then((result) => {
const success = result.success; // returns true/false if the database request was a success
const message = result.message; // returns a human readable message used by the react client to alert the User of the request status
const error = result.error; // returns an error object if one exists
const labs =; // returns an array of lab records
.catch((error) => {
throw error;
Or within a async function:
const labsResult = await fetchAll(Lab);
An asynchronous function that takes any Model as the first parameter and a string ID as the second parameter. FetchOne returns a single record from the database based on the Model and ID in the parameters, with the current breadcrumbs and recursive children appended.
const fetchOne = require('./modules/fetch').fetchOne;
fetchOne(Lab, '123exampleLabID4567')
.then((result) => {
const success = result.success; // returns true/false if the database request was a success
const message = result.message; // returns a human readable message used by the react client to alert the User of the request status
const error = result.error; // returns an error object if one exists
const lab =; // returns an object of the requested lab record
.catch((error) => {
throw error;
Or within a async function:
const labResult = await fetchOne(Lab, '123exampleLabID4567');
Several of the NPM scripts found in ./package.json control database backup, maintenance and use of test data.
Clears every collection from the database:
npm run db:clear
Saves a backup of the database to a timestamped file.
npm run db:save
Restores the last backup to the database.
npm run db:restore
Clears and fills the database with a large amount of example test data.
npm run db:seed
The MongoDB Object Models or 'Models' are found within the ./api/models
directory and contains the following models:
The structure or schema of a User:
createdAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
updatedAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
isAdmin : { type: Boolean, default: false },
username : { type: String, required: true, index: { unique: true }},
password : String,
name : { type: String, required: true },
email : { type: String, required: true, index: { unique: true }},
imageUrl : { type: String, default: "" }
createdAt - A javascript Date object representing when the User was created.
updatedAt - A javascript Date object representing when the User was last updated.
isAdmin - A boolean (true/false) representing whether or not the User has administrator priviledges.
username - A text field used to identify the user.
password - A salted and encrypted password.
name - The real name of the User.
email - The Users email address.
imageUrl - A link to an image to be used for the Users profile.
List Users - /users
User Profile - /users/:userID
New User - /signup
Edit User - /users/:userID/edit
Delete User - /users/:userID/remove
The structure or schema of a Lab:
createdAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
createdBy : { type: String, ref: "User", required: true },
updatedAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
updatedBy : { type: String, ref: "User", required: true },
name : { type: String, required: true },
description : { type: String, default: "" },
innerWidth : { type: Number, default: 1, min: 1 },
innerHeight : { type: Number, default: 1, min: 1 },
children : { type: Object, default: {} },
users : [{ type: String, ref: "User"}],
joinRequests : [{ type: String, ref: "User"}]
createdAt - A javascript Date object representing when the Lab was created.
createdBy - The ID of the User that created the Lab.
updatedAt - A javascript Date object representing when the Lab was last updated.
updatedBy - The ID of the User that last updated the Lab.
name - The name of the Lab.
description - A short description of the Lab.
innerWidth - A number that represents the grid cell width of the inside of the Lab.
innerHeight - A number that represents the grid cell height of the inside of the Lab.
children - A placeholder javascript object that is populated with a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the Containers and Physicals found within the Lab. The DAG contains a large amount of information that is constantly changing so this data is not saved to persistence but assembled upon request for the Lab.
users - An 'array' or list of User IDs that represent the members of the Lab.
joinRequests - An array of User IDs that represent the Users requesting membership to the Lab.
List Labs - /labs
Lab Profile - /labs/:labID
New Lab - /labs/new
Edit Lab - /labs/:labID/edit
Delete Lab - /labs/:labID/remove
The structure or schema of a Container:
createdAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
createdBy : { type: String, ref: "User", required: true },
updatedAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
updatedBy : { type: String, ref: "User", required: true },
name : { type: String, required: true },
description : { type: String, default: "" },
lab : { type: String, ref: "Lab", required: true },
parent : { type: String, ref: "Container" },
parentX : { type: Number, default: 1 },
parentY : { type: Number, default: 1 },
parentZ : { type: Number, default: 1 },
innerWidth : { type: Number, default: 1, min: 1 },
innerHeight : { type: Number, default: 1, min: 1 },
width : { type: Number, default: 1 },
height : { type: Number, default: 1 },
children : Object,
category : { type: String, default: "" },
bgColor : { type: String, default: "#00D1FD" },
breadcrumbs : []
createdAt - A javascript Date object representing when the Container was created.
createdBy - The ID of the User that created the Container.
updatedAt - A javascript Date object representing when the Container was last updated.
updatedBy - The ID of the User that last updated the Container.
name - The name of the Container.
description - A short description of the Container.
lab - The ID of the Lab that houses the Container.
parent - The ID of the 'parent' Container that houses the Container, if one exists. If no parent Container ID exists, it is assumed the parent container is the Lab.
parentX - The 2D/3D X location coordinate within the Containers parent.
parentY - The 2D/3D Y location coordinate within the Containers parent.
parentZ - The 2D/3D Z location coordinate within the Containers parent.
innerWidth - A number that represents the grid cell width of the inside of the Container.
innerHeight - A number that represents the grid cell height of the inside of the Container.
width - A number that represents the grid cell width of the Container inside its parent Container or Lab.
height - A number that represents the grid cell height of the Container inside its parent Container or Lab.
children - A placeholder javascript object that is populated with a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the Containers and Physicals found within the Container. The DAG contains a large amount of information that is constantly changing so this data is not saved to persistence but assembled upon request for the Container.
category - A text field for sorting various types of Containers.
bgColor - A color field representing the background color of the Container when shown in a grid as a child of its parent Lab or Container.
breadcrumbs - A placeholder array that holds the parent record tree from the current Container up to its Lab.
List Containers - /containers
Container Profile - /containers/:containerID
New Container - /containers/new
Edit Container - /containers/:containerID/edit
Delete Container - /containers/:containerID/remove
The structure or schema of a Virtual:
createdAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
createdBy : { type: String, ref: "User", required: true },
updatedAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
updatedBy : { type: String, ref: "User", required: true },
name : { type: String, unique: true, required: true },
description : { type: String, default: "" },
isAvailable : { type: Boolean, default: false },
provenance : { type: String },
genotype : { type: String },
sequence : { type: String },
fgSubmitted : { type: Boolean, default: false },
fgStage : { type: Number, default: 0 },
category : { type: String, required: true }
createdAt - A javascript Date object representing when the Virtual was created.
createdBy - The ID of the User that created the Virtual.
updatedAt - A javascript Date object representing when the Virtual was last updated.
updatedBy - The ID of the User that last updated the Virtual.
name - The name of the Virtual.
description - A short description of the Virtual.
isAvailable - A boolean (true/false) representing whether the sample is available through Free Genes.
provenance - A text field representing the origin of the created Virtual.
genotype - A string field representing the genotype of the Virtual.
sequence - The DNA/RNA sequence representing the Virtual.
fgSubmitted - A boolean (true/false) representing whether the Virtual was submitted to Free Genes.
fgStage - A number representing what stage of shipping/processing/returning the Virtual is currently in within Free Genes.
category - A text field used to assist sorting of Virtuals.
List Virtuals - /virtuals
Virtual Profile - /virtuals/:virtualID
New Virtual - /virtuals/new
Edit Virtual - /virtuals/:virtualID/edit
Delete Virtual - /virtuals/:virtualID/remove
The structure or schema of a Physical:
createdAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
createdBy : { type: String, ref: "User", required: true },
updatedAt : { type: String, default: new Date() },
updatedBy : { type: String, ref: "User", required: true },
name : { type: String, required: true },
description : { type: String, default: "" },
lab : { type: String, ref: "Lab", required: true },
parent : { type: String, ref: "Container" },
parentX : { type: Number, default: 1 },
parentY : { type: Number, default: 1 },
parentZ : { type: Number, default: 1 },
virtual : { type: String, ref: "Virtual", required: true },
width : { type: Number, default: 1 },
height : { type: Number, default: 1 }
createdAt - A javascript Date object representing when the Physical was created.
createdBy - The ID of the User that created the Physical.
updatedAt - A javascript Date object representing when the Physical was last updated.
updatedBy - The ID of the User that last updated the Physical.
name - The name of the Physical.
description - A short description of the Physical.
lab - The ID of the Lab that houses the Physical.
parent - The ID of the 'parent' Container that houses the Physical, if one exists. If no parent Container ID exists, it is assumed the parent is the Lab.
parentX - The 2D/3D X location coordinate within the Physicals parent.
parentY - The 2D/3D Y location coordinate within the Physicals parent.
parentZ - The 2D/3D Z location coordinate within the Physicals parent.
virtual - The ID of the Virtual that the Physical is an instantiation of.
width - A number that represents the grid cell width of the Physical inside its parent Container or Lab.
height - A number that represents the grid cell height of the Physical inside its parent Container or Lab.
List Physicals - /physicals
Physical Profile - /physicals/:physicalID
New Physical - /physicals/new
Edit Physical - /physicals/:physicalID/edit
Delete Physical - /physicals/:physicalID/remove
Authentication is handled through the passport module with a local authentication strategy using the passport-local module, allowing for a local database to signup and login based on 'username' and 'password' fields. The User model has a pre-save hook that uses the bcryptjs module along with the app secret found in the API config at './api.config.js' to encrypt the password in the database.