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Download v1.6 |
TotalTerminal is a system-wide terminal accessible via a hot-key |
totalterminal |
TotalTerminal |
a system-wide terminal available on a hot-key |
/shared/img/icons/totalterminal-256.png |
TotalTerminal is a system-wide terminal accessible via a hot-key |
totalterminal,terminal,osx,simbl,binaryage,productivity,software,visor |
TotalTerminal is a plugin for which provides Quake-style terminal window available on keyboard shortcut |
/shared/img/icons/totalterminal-128.png |
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Check out also TotalFinder
It provides persistent Visor Window which slides down when you press a hot-key (remember Quake console?).
- Download latest TotalTerminal.dmg and run the installer.
- Configure your keyboard trigger by selecting the
Preferences... -> TotalTerminal
and edit your keyboard hot-key. By default it isCTRL+~
Then you can trigger Visor Window with your hot-key from any application to get an instant terminal session.
- re-trigger with your key-combo
- optionally, you can click off the TotalTerminal window
- optionally, you can hit ESC (if enabled in TotalTerminal preferences)
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{% endfor %}Not under default configuration. It requires a system tweak, read about it here.
You may use Status Menu Icon and select
Uninstall TotalTerminal
. Alternatively you may download TotalTerminal DMG again and useTotalTerminal Uninstaller
which is present there.Alternatively you can launch this command in
open "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/TotalTerminal.osax/Contents/Resources/TotalTerminal.bundle/Contents/Resources/TotalTerminal"
TotalTerminal supersedes Visor. Visor.bundle is a SIMBL plugin which was originally written by Nicholas Jitkoff from Blacktree. Original Visor was introduced for OS X - Tiger. I have been developing it since Leopard. I decided to rename it to TotalTerminal with OS X Lion release. TotalTerminal has installer, Sparkle updater and does not depend on SIMBL. In the future it will get more bug fixes and hopefully some new features.
The main technical difference is that TotalTerminal is not launched automatically. You have to launch to inject plugin into (if it is not running the launcher will launch it)
This affects people who pin icon in the Dock as a permanent icon.
When you click icon in the Dock, the system launches But is just a lightweight launcher which:
- launches (if it is not running)
- injects TotalTerminal plugin into it.
- quits
You end up with two Terminal icons in the Dock: one for running and second for pinned (which is not running anymore after injecting the plugin).
Please follow this thread to set special flag from command line. Under Mavericks you cannot easily modify's Info.plist - this would break code signature from Apple.
TotalTerminal settings are stored with settings. You can
open ~/Library/Preferences/
and tweak the values (better to do this when is not running). If you have troubles with TotalTerminal settings, delete this file and restart The file will be recreated with default values.
If there is a Visor Window (the status menu icon is active) every new terminal window will be opened as a classic OS X window. In other words, open at least two terminal windows. The second one will be a classic terminal window for sure.
Go to's Preferences -> Window -> Rows
Look for the "Position" option in TotalTerminal Preferences and pick "Left-Stretch" window placement.
By default Visor Window stretches to the full screen width. Set some non-stretching positioning for Visor Window in TotalTerminal Preferences, then Go to's Preferences -> Window -> Columns.
Go to TotalTerminal Preferences -> Screen
TotalTerminal forces Visor window to be visible on every space. You may disable this in TotalTerminal Preferences. Note: Spaces configuration for doesn't apply to the Visor Window, it is effective only for other (classic) terminal windows.
I want to keep different preferences for Visor and other (classic) terminal windows. What is the best way manage this?
There may be a profile in called "Visor". Visor Window attempts to use the "Visor" profile when opening new tabs in Visor Window (regardless of "default profile" or "startup profile" settings in In case "Visor" profile is not present, it uses currently selected default profile.
No, TerminalColours is integrated into TotalTerminal 1.0 and later. Actually it conflicts with TotalTerminal if installed as SIMBL plugin.
No, CopyOnSelect is integrated into TotalTerminal 1.0 and later. It is a configurable option in TotalTerminal Preferences (disabled by default).
Starting with macOS 10.11 (El Capitan), TotalTerminal cannot run on a normally configured machine due to System Integrity Protection.
System Integrity Protection (SIP) is a new security feature introduced by Apple. That's good, but unfortunately it prevents TotalTerminal from augmenting Terminal. This article will tell you how to configure your machine, so that you can use TotalTerminal. Before you do this, it is important to get informed about what System Integrity Protection is, and what it means to turn it off. Technical details are well covered in SIP review on Ars Technica. Apple also provided some information here.
Anyways, if you decide to modify the setting under El Capitan, you will be able to install and run TotalTerminal as before. Just to be clear...
You must boot into the Recovery OS. You do this by restarting your machine, and holding COMMAND + R
until the Apple logo appears.
Then select Terminal from the Utilities menu. It looks like this:
In the window that opens, type csrutil enable --without debug
and press return.
This turns off the part of SIP that TotalTerminal needs to run, and macOS complains that it is an unsupported configuration.
Now type reboot
and press return to restart your machine. After restart you may install the latest version of TotalTerminal.
You can find some further information in our blog.
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