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Serve the Frontend from a Function

< Develop a Frontend on Your Local Machine

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Download assets and get started

Setup the Frontend

$ cd frontend
$ npm install

To verify that you've successfully caught up...

$ npm run start

Table of Contents

  1. Setup Your Binaris Environment
  2. Create a Binaris Function to Serve a Web App
  3. Deploy the React Project with Your Function

Setup Your Binaris Environment

For the next section you will need a Binaris account, if you already have one skip the following four steps.

  1. Visit signup
  2. Follow the instructions and create your new Binaris account
  3. Install the CLI via npm
    npm install binaris -g
  4. Use bn login to authenticate with your newly created Binaris account
  5. (Optional) visit our getting started page to learn the basics

Create a Binaris Function to Serve a Web App

Just Show Me the Code

Make a new sub-directory inside frontend (generated with create-react-app), name it serve_todo.

$ ls    package.json serve_todo yarn.lock
  node_modules public       src

$ mkdir serve_todo

Navigate into the serve_todo directory and use bn create to generate the template files for our serving function.

$ cd serve_todo
$ bn create node8 public_serve_todo

Created function public_serve_todo in /home/ubuntu/todo/frontend/serve_todo
  (use "bn deploy public_serve_todo" to deploy the function)

The public_ prefix is essential because it tells the Binaris backend that the function should be publicly available to the world. This allows us to utilize the function just as we would any other webserver via https. Keep in mind that although public_ is the right choice here, there are many other cases where requiring authentication and keeping things private is preferred.

Before we start writing code, it's important to define our goal and what we need to achieve that goal. We know our goal is to serve our React app via a function, which means we need a way to serve static files directly from the function itself.

Now, it's time to write our first Binaris function together.

  1. Strip the automatically generated contents from the handler body in function.js

    > function.js
     exports.handler = async (body, context) => {
    -  const name = || || 'World';
    -  return `Hello ${name}!`;
  2. Create & define the current resource path as the path provided in the input request.

    > function.js
     exports.handler = async (body, context) => {
    +  let resourcePath = context.request.path;
  3. The above code will work when passed an explicit resource path, we also want to handle the case where only the base URL is provided. In that case, we simply want to return the index.html.

    > function.js
     let resourcePath = context.request.path;
    +if (resourcePath === '/' || resourcePath === undefined) {
    +  resourcePath = '/index.html';
  4. Now that we know the path to our resource, we can load the requested content. We assume that our assets will be deployed with the function and therefore should be available on the local filesystem. The Node fs module seems like a great fit here, but unfortunately it's not natively async. To remedy this, we'll rely on the package mz which provides a promisified version of the native fs module.

    > function.js
     if (resourcePath === '/' || resourcePath === undefined) {
        resourcePath = '/index.html';
    +// we assume that all paths provided have a leading "/"
    +const webResource = await fs.readFile(`.${resourcePath}`);

    We also need to add our require statement for mz at the top of the file.

    > function.js
    +const fs = require('mz/fs');
     exports.handler = async (body, context) => {
  5. Now that we have the requested resource loaded, we need to determine what type of resource it is. That way, the correct Content-Type header can be set. Luckily, the npm module mime-types, in combination with the builtin Node module path, can do the heavy lifing for us.

    > function.js
     const webResource = await fs.readFile(`.${resourcePath}`);
    +const resourceType = mime.contentType(path.extname(resourcePath));

    Once again, we need to add require statements for mime-types and path at the top of the file.

    > function.js
     const fs = require('mz/fs');
    +const mime = require('mime-types');
    +const path = require('path');
  6. All that's left is returning a HTTPResponse object and filling it in with the variables we created.

    > function.js
     const webResource = await fs.readFile(`.${resourcePath}`);
     const resourceType = mime.contentType(path.extname(resourcePath));
    +return new context.HTTPResponse({
    +  statusCode: 200,
    +  headers: {
    +    'Content-Type': resourceType,
    +    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
    +    'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept',
    +  },
    +  body: webResource,

    Note: 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' means that anyone (even evil websites) will be able to modify your todo list. Consider using your own domain (or function URL) to alleviate this issue.

    HTTPResponse breakdown

    We consider returning any resource a success and therefore "200"

    > function.js
    +statusCode: 200,

    The first header, 'Content-Type', identifies the type of our response body. For its value, we can simply use the resourceType variable that was calculated using the mime-types package.

    React has issues when you use non-root routes as a homepage. To alleviate this, we will enable CORS in our response by adding the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' and 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' headers.

    > function.js
    +headers: {
    +  'Content-Type': resourceType,
    +  'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
    +  'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept',

    Last but not least we need to actually provide the content that should be returned in the response. The webResource variable contains the resource we loaded from file, and therefore should go into the body field.

    > function.js
    +body: webResource,

Final state of function.js
const fs = require('mz/fs');
const mime = require('mime-types');
const path = require('path');

exports.handler = async (body, context) => {
  let resourcePath = context.request.path;

  if (resourcePath === '/' || resourcePath === undefined) {
    resourcePath = '/index.html';

  const webResource = await fs.readFile(`.${resourcePath}`);
  const resourceType = mime.contentType(path.extname(resourcePath));

  return new context.HTTPResponse({
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': resourceType,
      'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
      'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept',
    body: webResource,

Before We Forget

We do have one final task before moving on. Although we required our dependencies, they haven't been installed yet. To install them run

$ npm init -y
$ npm install mime-types mz path

inside of the serve_todo directory.

Deploy the React Project with Your Function

Before we can see our function in action, there are two small changes we need to make in our outer frontend/package.json. These changes will allow our React app to be hosted in the recently created public_serve_todo function.

  1. Add a "homepage" so that React routing uses your account specific function URL. Make sure to replace <ACCOUNT_ID> with your specific Binaris account ID. Assuming you successfully ran bn login, your account ID can be found in ~/.binaris.yml.

    Note: Your Account ID will always be a unique number, 10 digits in length.

    > frontend/package.json
     "private": true,
    +"homepage": "<ACCOUNT_ID>/public_serve_todo",
     "dependencies": {
  2. Add a new script to frontend/package.json which will save some time when deploying our function

    > frontend/package.json
     "scripts": {
       "start": "react-scripts start",
       "build": "react-scripts build",
    +  "deploy": "cp -R serve_todo/* build/ && cd build && bn deploy public_serve_todo",
       "test": "react-scripts test",
       "eject": "react-scripts eject"

Finally, deploy your function using npm run build followed by npm run deploy and vist the function URL (printed by your console) in the browser. Hurray!

$ pwd
$ npm run build
$ npm run deploy

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