To allow users to connect to a desktop we first must assign a user to an application group.
Application Group: A WVD object that defines which users or groups can access what applications or desktops.
An Application group is assigned to a Host pool and can either 'publish' applications (that are installed in the session host vms) or a desktop. To make an app or desktop 'visible' to a user you need to do 2 more things:
- make a user | group assignment
- register this app group to a workspace.
When you created a host pool in the previous challenge a default app group was created with it (e.g. "HP1-DAG" -> Host pool 1 default app group).
However no users are yet assigned to it:
[Azure Portal] --> Search: "Windows Virtual Desktop" --> Application groups --> "HP1-DAG" --> Assignments
Add the 'WVD Users' group to the app group:
Now any user in this group should be allowed to access a desktop. Let's test in the next challenge...