- Exact behaviours of GitHub action triggers; are they AND or OR?
- Git mailmap post
- Write about experience in Stack Overflow user research for Collectives
- Summary of "Designing Data-Intensive Applications" (requires Pages feature)
- Review of "Where Wizards Stay Up Late"
- Review of "The Idea Factory"
- Review of "No Rules Rules"
- Review of "Designing Data-Intensive Applications"
- Book reading plans for 2023
- alt.rec.movies on Google Groups: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/alt.rec.movies
- posts by or mentioning Cal Needham: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/rec.arts.movies/cal$20needham%7Csort:date
- Movie database scripts v1.5: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/rec.arts.movies/the$20list$20script$20needham%7Csort:date/rec.arts.movies/76OAGleQOvQ/SFYP2GaOEOsJ
- "Is there a program?" thread with what probably is the first script: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/rec.arts.movies/the$20list$20script$20needham|sort:date/rec.arts.movies/AjlyJPK2PU4/bX9k-EYpPwkJ
- Wiki entry for
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shar - Man page for
: https://linux.die.net/man/1/shar
From for loop with
to justgrep
, and on toprintf | xargs grep find | xargs find -exec find -exec {} find | xargs -P parallel
versions, too -
Why story points shouldn't take into account experience of the person working: it normalizes by team capacity
That beautiful Git alias to delete stale local branches
Dotfiles setup
Passive aggressive Slack message about specific incident, compare to fly open and say "hey everybody, check your flies" (Radical Candor)
Solarizing everything
An annotated CLI reading list
Underdocumented Bash features
A Git aware prompt
Watching all of Star Trek (in production order)
Bash loadable builtins
What's new in Bash 5.1