All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Been/countries tracker with charts and world map
- Generic autocomplete input component
- IATA/ICAO data search tools using autocomplete
- Sorting functionality for visits tracking
- Replace react-vis charts with recharts library
- Use autocomplete component for flight data input
- Restructuring and improvements in backend API
- Missing href on link button components
- Uncontrolled input error on flight form
- Incorrect colour of main loading text
- Proper handling and administration of user roles
- Simple ratings page and functionality
- Tools page with QR code generator and encoder/decoder
- POC image/art curator functionality using QR codes
- Simplified site design for standalone pages
- Improved authentication flow
- Extract theme toggle handling to hook
- Upgrade Next.js and SWR major versions
- More restructuring and refactoring of html structures
- CSS class names and styling of all remaining components
- Several styling adjustments for mobile screens
- Move some admin pages to base path
- Move all app code to
folder - Replace home state with current weather data
- Correct GitHub link to changelog
- Correct sort order of media stats graph data
- Ensure menu is not focusable when hidden
- Tailwind CSS and configurations
- Theme handling with Tailwind (dark mode)
- New menu layout and styling
- Restructuring and refactoring of html structure
- CSS class names and styling of public components
- Moved theme and version buttons to header
- Improved error handling for SWR requests
- All custom CSS modules and code
- Custom themes and theme handling
- Changelog modal component
- Next.js framework version 12
- Server data fetching with SWR
- Client side state with Context API
- Custom hooks for handling async requests
- Major restructuring and refactoring for Next support
- Several modifications to existing components to support Next
- Replace react-router with Next's route handling
- Replace data state and fetching with SWR hooks
- Webpack, loaders and babel configurations
- Redux, redux-thunk and redux-actions
- Changelog view and markdown support
- Support for proper user management
- Switch-styled checkbox CSS
- Use named instead of default imports and exports
- Improve log management actions
- Improve common modal overlay components
- Simplify styling for buttons with icon
- Replace logout image with MDI icon
- Upgrade to React 17, Webpack 5, etc.
- Implement hooks everywhere possible
- View and manage tracking of price data from a certain site
- Dynamic descriptive site titles on sub pages
- Support simple pages without header/footer
- Convert remaining class components to functional components
- Use react hooks for all Router and Redux handling
- Refactor and improve routing components
- Minor code updates and improvements
- Incorrect request method for fetching external media IDs
- Support pagination for logs and visits
- Database backup functionality in admin view
- List of latest Home Assistant states in admin view
- Caching of several API data endpoints
- Improve file preview support
- Custom styling of flight list and form
- Exit icon and text on logout view
- Move GitHub data handling to backend API
- Simplify loading indication on GET requests
- Several admin layout and styling adjustments
- Flight form validation
- Button style inheritance
- PureCSS package and CSS styling
- Full support for new backend API
- Improved HTTP fetching utility functions
- Support new login and authentication handling
- Pre-connect link tag for API endpoint in HTML template
- Proper font-face CSS rules (skip google lookup query)
- Single log-entry deletion support
- Direct download button on file previews
- Refactor async actions and calls to support new API
- Update interfaces to represent response data changes
- Replace short circuiting with nullish coalescing operator
- More use of optional chaining operator
- Make about-link text more descriptive
- Specify start_url in manifest.json
- Load day/night icon only when state is known
- Most home state temperature and consumption data
- Fetch polyfill package whatwg-fetch
- Changelog view in modal overlay
- Support for markdown content
- No-icon and New Year's countdown options
- Redundant dynamic import types
- Persist theme selection in localStorage
- Set countdown target from admin control view
- Receive and handle site settings in validation response
- Use correct methods for interacting with localStorage
- Rename yarn task for running the app
- Blank background gap on components with low height
- Basic CSS theming support
- Dark mode theme (midnight)
- Use React's useRef rather than createRef
- Refactor and use more React Hooks
- Improve webpack bundling of CSS assets
- Refactor header and footer as separate components
- Refactor and replace many media icons
- Not possible to save new notes
- Circle version and toggling of social icons
- Home state and media icon files
- Redefined actions using redux-actions package
- Proper typing for redux-thunk actions
- Refactor several classes to functions using React Hooks
- Make on-mount action calls handle logged-in state change
- Multiple redux-related TS interfaces and types
- Move types and interfaces to declarations file
- Update countdown timer with new target
- Undefined path value in media search pagination
- Missing recommended eslint-settings
- Custom redux action boilerplate handlers
- Swapping of airport input values on flights form
- Set flight arrival date when setting departure date
- Extract loading indicators to common component
- Separate loading state for login requests
- Improve controlled inputs on flights form
- Personal flight tracking components
- CRUD functionality for flights
- Grouping of flights as trips
- Try out React Hooks
- Replace Normalize.css with PureCSS
- Refactor and clean up most CSS
- Change default date format
- Improve general loading indication
- Refactor api get/post functions
- Rewrite site information text
- Replace some quotes
- Incorrect number formatting on admin stats
- Old links page component and content
- Multiple types and TypeScript related packages
- Material Design Icons (MDI) packages
- Loading indication on login request
- Live GitHub data in about section
- Rewrite all JavaScript to TypeScript
- Restructure media data and components
- Improve suspended and private route setup
- Replace custom SVG icons with MDI icons
- Rewrite authentication as redux actions
- Several minor code improvements and cleanup
- Capitalize React component files
- Update React refs usage
- Extract babel options to .babelrc
- Invalid values in post API requests
- Administration notes component
- CRUD functionality for notes
- Enable React strict mode
- Move file handling under administration
- Refactor common modal component
- Refactor file loading actions
- Simple file note component
- Tracking of page views / visits
- Administration view for visits
- Navigation sub menu for administration
- Separate administration views
- Include referrer in auth query
- Extract sub menu data from nav component
- General DB stats in admin view
- IATA data administration
- Stored media search functionality
- New API url:
- Update files and auth service parameters
- Minor text changes in admin view
- Simplify and clean up form CSS
- Administration page
- Server logging view
- Media data batch updating functionality
- JS and CSS asset name hashing
- Less bold navigation menu
- Move poster update to admin page
- Office and storage temperatures
- Format home state values
- Small cleanup of home state component
- Upload and download speeds
- Episode stats in media overview
- Icon support in countdown title
- Set correct main file in package.json
- Update footer/copyright
- Date formatting error after lib update
- Bug in text file previews
- Home status/state component
- Several home status icons
- Time component with locale and timezone support
- Sensor values endpoint in backend API
- Information icon and help text on home status
- Link to employer in cv/about section
- Countdown to something.. quite important
- Slight alteration of front page text
- Improve countdown and pagination components
- Extract most icons in to separate SVG files
- Reduce delay on loading indicator
- Header html tags for title and header
- Common media overview/stats page
- Season and episode support for TV media
- Track seen on TV episodes
- Sorting functionality for media lists
- Loading indicator during all async actions
- Common suspense component for lazy loading
- Move media components (except stats) behind login
- Refactor media item/modal handling
- Further improve accessibility
- Stats in media lists
- Lazy-loading using React.lazy() and Suspense
- Memoization using React.memo() and PureComponent
- Functionality for finding similar and recommended media
- New icons for similar and recommendations
- Tooltips on media links
- Upgrade yarn and several packages
- Optimize components using new react features
- Support postfix on pagination path
- Refactor some component prop mappings
- Update manifest and favicon assets
- Default to non-circle social icons
- Improve accessibility
- Media modal for more detailed information
- Updating functionality for media items
- Confirmation dialog when removing media
- TMDb- and remove-icons
- Link to media item at TMDb
- Refactor actions in to separate files
- Improve media state handling
- Simplify several components
- Update UI properly on some media state changes
- Prevent search on empty action or type
- Menu icon on small screens
- App-wide state handling using Redux
- Proper pagination with page numbers
- Upload notice while uploading file
- Packages: redux, redux-thunk, react-redux, redux-devtools-extension
- Refactor components to handle Redux state
- Clean up countdown and quote component
- Select media search field text on focus
- Handle missing external IDs for media
- Site title in header section
- Media components
- Movies
- TV-Shows
- Watchlist
- Search (Admin)
- Toast component
- Pagination component
- Tooltip functionality
- API functions for querying TMDb
- Service tag on post requests
- Packages: date-fns, iso-639-1
- Substantial refactoring of backend API
- Improve promise handling in client api
- CSS cleanup of several components
- Refactor navigation component
- Refactor private routes
- Rename about-me section
- Probably lots more...
- Unnecessary extra font
- Social links in CV component
- Make quotes a little less random
- Hot module replacement (HMR)
- Incorrect method binding
- Minor CSS issues
- Back button in file component
- New navigation layout and styling
- Menu icon for small screens
- Warning above login when trying to access restricted page
- Simple about me / CV component
- Faded refresh icon on quotes component
- Several code optimizations
- Refactor and redesign navigation component
- Move navigation in to header section
- Extract SVGs to separate component
- Clean up CSS content
- New color palette
- Rewrite about section
- Unused CSS classes
- GitHub Badges in
- Upgrade react-router and react-router-dom to version 4
- Rewrite routing to match react-router v4 specs
- Reorganize react component file structure
- Rename entry.js to index.js
- Replace old react lifecycle methods
- Update
- Removed unnecessary main.js setup file
- Transition effects on components
- Prettier code style
- Site title to Ben Tomlin
- Replace NPM with Yarn
- Upgrade eslint and plugins
- Upgrade to Webpack 4
- Rewrite webpack configs to match v4 specs
- Run prettier on all JS code
- New favicon
- Remove package-lock file
- Compress images with webpack-image-loader
- Navigation component
- Notes data component
- Small font and alignment adjustments
- Improve file-loader configs
- Caching and compression optimizations in .htaccess
- Make site crawlable
- Link to invalid path
- Not quite sure...
- Probably upgrades and cleanup
- Links data component
- UglifyJS webpack plugin
- Update with lint task
- Update about text
- Update copyright
- Upgrade react, react-dom, react-transition-group
- Upgrade eslint, plugins and config
- Upgrade to Webpack 3
- Upgrade to Babel 7
- New site design
- Quotes component
- Package-lock file
- Several major layout and structure changes
- Reorganize and rename several files
- Clean up svg files
- Update about text
- Duplicate dependencies
- Unused background images
- Side navigation panel
- Early versions of this app
- Webpack setup and configs
- Node/NPM setup and package file
- Basic React app setup
- Home/Index component
- Countdown component
- About component
- Authentication
- Login/logout components
- File system components
- Transition effects
- Icons, images, favicon
- Apache config
- Licence
- Lots more...