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Usage of Spring's AbstractRoutingDataSource with nested calls to different data sources

This repository contains example and steps-to-reproduce how is use Spring's AbstractRoutingDataSource that can switch between data sources based on some key. This can be used when we have multiple data sources that can be used to connect do different databases.

First part shows problems with naive implementation of child class of this AbstractRoutingDataSource. Second part shows how those problems could be resolved.

Both parts reuse implementation of class MyAbstractRoutingDataSource that shows how both data sources are distinguished from each other.

It contains definition of two data sources AbstractDatabaseConfig.dataSourcePerson(...) and AbstractDatabaseConfig.dataSourceCountry(...). Those databases contain two different tables to distinguish between states when SQL SELECT fails on missing table.

Failing implementation of AbstractRoutingDataSource

Failing implementation just implements abstract determineCurrentLookupKey() method and select correct key of data source from ThreadLocal<DataSourceType> key static field.

First Spring context starts and creates two data sources and one routing data source.

Dec 10, 2021 8:03:27 PM org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseFactory initDatabase
INFO: Starting embedded database: url='jdbc:h2:mem:databasePerson-1c467d0e-4960-44a4-a6cd-4aafc560b820;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=false', username='sa'
Dec 10, 2021 8:03:27 PM org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseFactory initDatabase
INFO: Starting embedded database: url='jdbc:h2:mem:databaseCountry-a7d645c8-061e-4d89-baf1-bd2d19ae80dc;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=false', username='sa'
dataSourcePerson = org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseFactory$EmbeddedDataSourceProxy@15c25153
dataSourceCountry = org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseFactory$EmbeddedDataSourceProxy@56276db8

Mind that identity hash code of those two data sources is:

  • for dataSourcePerson it equals value @15c25153
  • for dataSourceCountry it equals value @56276db8

1. Use-case - parallel transaction

Method Starter.startParallel() runs without any transaction. This means that no data source is routed.

    Starter.startParallel() currentTransactionName = null -> currentTransactionName =
        [{NAME=Ivo}, {NAME=Kvetinac}, {NAME=Vopicak}]
    Starter.startParallel() currentTransactionName = null

As you can see we SELECT data from Person data source, and it returns correct data. Mind that TransactionSynchronizationManager.resourceMap contains one key that points to FailingRoutingDataSource with identity hash code @65a4798f. It means that transaction synchronization does not distinguish between those two data source that are used to query correct data, but it contains key to main FailingRoutingDataSource instance. This will be problem, see use cases below. Also mind that current transaction starts, queries data from correct data source and then finishes.

Second query to Country data source is also correct, except of keys in TransactionSynchronizationManager.resourceMap.

    Starter.startParallel() currentTransactionName = null -> currentTransactionName =
        [{NAME=Czech Republic}, {NAME=Japan}, {NAME=US & A}]
    Starter.startParallel() currentTransactionName = null

Resources map contains only one key to FailingRoutingDataSource with identity hash code @65a4798f. Also mind that current transaction starts, queries data from correct data source and then finishes.

2. Use-case - inner transaction

Method Starter.startInner() runs without any transaction. This means that no data source is routed.

First variant of use case opens transaction and queries Person data source. In this case transaction is bound to FailingRoutingDataSource with identity hash code @65a4798f and ConnectionHolder with identity hash code @665e9289 contains Connection instance that points to Person data source.

Next step in same inner/nested transaction is to query in another transaction Country data source. As you can see from exception it is not possible to find country table in transaction bound to FailingRoutingDataSource with identity hash code @65a4798f because it already contains ConnectionHolder with identity hash code @665e9289 with Connection instance that points to Person data source. This state results to BadSqlGrammarException with message Table "COUNTRY" not found.

    Starter.startInner() currentTransactionName = null -> currentTransactionName = cz.bedla.spring.samples.routing.DataSourceInDataSourceCaller.callPersonThenCountry
        [{NAME=Ivo}, {NAME=Kvetinac}, {NAME=Vopicak}] -> currentTransactionName = cz.bedla.spring.samples.routing.DataSourceInDataSourceCaller.callPersonThenCountry
        org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT * FROM country]; nested exception is org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Table "COUNTRY" not found; SQL statement: SELECT * FROM country [42102-202]
    Starter.startInner() currentTransactionName = null

Similar situation is when we swap calls and first query Country data source and then Person data source.

    Starter.startInner() currentTransactionName = null -> currentTransactionName = cz.bedla.spring.samples.routing.DataSourceInDataSourceCaller.callCountryThenPerson
        [{NAME=Czech Republic}, {NAME=Japan}, {NAME=US & A}] -> currentTransactionName = cz.bedla.spring.samples.routing.DataSourceInDataSourceCaller.callCountryThenPerson
        org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT * FROM person]; nested exception is org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Table "PERSON" not found; SQL statement: SELECT * FROM person [42102-202]
    Starter.startInner() currentTransactionName = null

Correct implementation of AbstractRoutingDataSource

Problem with previous implementation of AbstractRoutingDataSource is that when it bounds data source, and it's connection to current thread it uses instance of data source itself but not data source that is currently selected.

As you can see from previous fail statuses it is not possible open inner/nested transaction inside already created transaction. One can expect that when we select another data source using key transaction-manager will switch to another transaction.

As you can see in CorrectRoutingDataSource we can implement org.springframework.core.InfrastructureProxy that as it's JavaDoc suggests is used to "Interface to be implemented by transparent resource proxies that need to be considered as equal to the underlying resource, for example for consistent lookup key comparisons."

When we implement this interface's method getWrappedObject we can say what has to be used as key by TransactionSynchronizationManager.resourceMap.

    public Object getWrappedObject(){
        return determineTargetDataSource();

From now each data source has its own transaction bound to thread with correct keys and connection holder.

We can see it from startInner() run.

    Starter.startInner() currentTransactionName = null -> currentTransactionName = cz.bedla.spring.samples.routing.DataSourceInDataSourceCaller.callPersonThenCountry
        [{NAME=Ivo}, {NAME=Kvetinac}, {NAME=Vopicak}] -> currentTransactionName =
        {org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseFactory$EmbeddedDataSourceProxy@32c726ee=org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.ConnectionHolder@e84a8e1, org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseFactory$EmbeddedDataSourceProxy@602e0143=org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.ConnectionHolder@6b98a075}
        [{NAME=Czech Republic}, {NAME=Japan}, {NAME=US & A}]
    Starter.startInner() currentTransactionName = null

Invocation of inner/nested transaction per data source looks like this:

  1. We query for content of person table inside DataSourceInDataSourceCaller.callPersonThenCountry transaction. TransactionSynchronizationManager.resourceMap contains only one key that points to Person data source with identity hash code @602e0143.
  2. When we open new inner/nested transaction and queries data from Country data source. Now TransactionSynchronizationManager.resourceMap contains two keys, first points to Person data source with identity hash code @602e0143, and second points to Country data source with identity hash code @32c726ee.

This is opposite to previous implementation when we had only on key that was pointing to implementation of Routing data source not to any child data source.

What is the problem?

Question here is why AbstractRoutingDataSource does not implement InfrastructureProxy interface to correctly distinguish between data sources and to select correct key for TransactionSynchronizationManager.resourceMap that holds thread and key bound ConnectionHolder.

Are there any edge cases with other JDBC frameworks like Hibernate or other overcomplicated/complex data access libraries?

Can be this usage of InfrastructureProxy interface considered as abuse of interface?

Is this gonna correctly work only with pure JDBC access?

See spring-projects/spring-framework#27805 for details.