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Boolean expression evaluated, converted and persisted to MSSQL hiearchyid data type

Let's say that we have the following business problem we want to solve. In hypothetical application we want to allow user to define some kind of filter where he/she can define boolean logical expressions like AND/OR/NOT.

You can find UI/UX concept from DevExpress Filter editor demo page.

This tree structure completely conform logical operator priorities definition and allow us to define arbitrary logical structure.

It can be rewritten to for example SQL WHERE statement like:

WHERE Inventory <> 0 AND (ProductCode LIKE '%HD%' OR Cost < 200.0)

We can also have more light UI/UX which is, in contract, unable to express full boolean logic operators priorities.

It can be rewritten to for example SQL WHERE statement like:

WHERE Inventory <> 0 OR NOT ProductCode LIKE '%HD%' AND Cost < 200.0

Below we also show how to define another type of boolean expression where we only know true/false values of various items.


When we explicitly add parentheses to show operator priorities result would be like this:


From observation of how simple UI works, we can see that we are unable to define there expression like following WHERE clause. We can change operator priorities only by using parentheses, and we are not able to define them here. We can define parentheses only in UI tree filter as described at beginning of this description.


Technical description

What is purpose of this repository:

  • Show how to expose REST API of simple-ui
  • Persist expression with arbitrary structure to DB using MSSQL hierarchyid data type
  • Convert fact expressions (like A > 10 AND X = 'foo') to SQL WHERE clause

Note: Before starting Spring Boot's application, start MSSQL DB by running docker compose up command.

MSSQL hierarchyid data type

Whe we have graph like or tree like structures, and we want to persist them into relation database, one of the options is to create recursive DB tables structure and save data there.

One of the interesting features of MSSQL and ability to save data to tree like structure is to use hierarchyid data type.

You can read documentation but usage is pretty simple and following example shows how it works.

    Level        hierarchyid NOT NULL,
    Location     nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
    LocationType nvarchar(9) NULL

SELECT CAST(Level AS nvarchar(100)) AS [Converted Level], *
FROM SimpleDemo
ORDER BY Level;  

When we have sample data int SimpleDemo table, result of query above can be following.

Converted Level  Level     Location         LocationType  
/1/              0x58      Europe           Continent  
/1/1/            0x5AC0    France           Country  
/1/1/1/          0x5AD6    Paris            City  
/1/2/            0x5B40    Spain            Country  
/1/2/1/          0x5B56    Madrid           City  
/2/              0x68      South America    Continent  
/2/1/            0x6AC0    Brazil           Country  
/2/1/1/          0x6AD6    Brasilia         City  
/2/1/2/          0x6ADA    Bahia            State  
/2/1/2/1/        0x6ADAB0  Salvador         City  
/3/              0x78      Antarctica       Continent  
/3/1/            0x7AC0    McMurdo Station  City  

Internal expression AST

Because we have on one side REST API for simple-ui and on other side we have DB table with hierarchyid column, we need some intermediate structure that can be easily used to query, create, and convert.

We should not try to reinvent our own new concept, but we can utilise AST aka Abstract Syntax Tree data structure.

Our simple grammar and tree can be described as follows.

 : NOT expression                           # NotExpression
 | left=expression AND right=expression     # AndExpression
 | left=expression OR right=expression      # OrExpression
 | TERM                                     # TerminalExpression

Using ExpressionVisitor class implementations we can easily process this tree structure using Visitor design pattern.

Conversion between flat structure and AST tree structure

Because we use simple-ui approach described above we are forced to convert between AST with proper logical operator priorities defined and between simple REST API JSON array.

Let's take a look how flat REST API looks like.

 : item+
  "leftOperator": NOT | null
  "value": ...
  "rightOperator": AND | OR 
                   | null (if last item of array)

JSON example:

    "leftOperator": null,
    "value": 123,
    "rightOperator": "AND"
    "leftOperator": "NOT",
    "value": 456,
    "rightOperator": "OR"
    "leftOperator": null,
    "value": 789,
    "rightOperator": null

Flat JSON array to AST

For conversion from flat JSON array to AST we use RestDtoToExpressionConverter class.

First it takes JSON array objects with definition of leftOperator and rightOperator and creates Boolean logic string that contains operators AND, OR, and NOT without explicit operator precedence defined by parentheses.

Values are replaced with Identifier definitions that are unique and can be parsed by ANTLR4 defined grammar (see ./src/main/antlr4/SimpleBoolean.g4 file).

Example above is converted to string X1 AND NOT X2 OR X3.

Second ANTLR4 generated parser is used to parse string above and StringToExpressionParser is used to convert ANTLR4 AST to our internal Expression AST.

We use VariableExpression terminal nodes to identify items in flat JSON array.

Lastly we use RestDtoReplaceVariablesVisitor to replace variables (like X1, X2, X3, etc) in terminal nodes with actual values from JSON array.

AST to flat JSON array

For conversion from AST expression to flat JSON array we use ExpressionToRestDtoConverter class.

First it uses FlattenExpressionVisitor to create list of string tokens (it contains AND/OR/NOT and identifier) and index between generate identifier and value from terminal node.

Let's say we have following AST:

123 AND 456 OR NOT 789

It is translated to list of tokens:

["[X1]", "AND", "[X2]", "OR", "NOT", "[X3]"]

Note: Token have [ and ] suffix/prefix for us to distinguish between operators and token identifiers.

It also creates index map:

 "X1": 123,
 "X2": 456,
 "X3": 789 

Second we find identifiers indexes in token list. They will be items in flat JSON array.

Lastly we iterate this identifiers index and at every position we

  • look behind current identifier token - to see if there is NOT operator defined
  • look ahead current identifier token - to see if there is AND or OR operator defined.

From this information we create flat JSON array items with leftOperator and rigthOperator JSON properties defined.

Result of example above would be:

    "leftOperator": null,
    "value": 123,
    "rightOperator": "AND"
    "leftOperator": null,
    "value": 456,
    "rightOperator": "OR"
    "leftOperator": "NOT",
    "value": 789,
    "rightOperator": null

Implemented features

REST API Features:

  • REST Endpoint for create/update/get Fact entity
  • REST Endpoint for create/update/get Id entity
  • Convert REST DTO flat structure to Expression AST
    • see RestDtoToExpressionConverter class
    • see FlattenExpressionVisitor class
  • Convert Expression AST to REST DTO flat structure
    • see ExpressionToRestDtoConverter class
    • see RestDtoReplaceVariablesVisitor class

DB features:

  • DB Repository for working with MSSQL hierarchyid data type
    • see FactExpressionRepository class
    • see IdExpressionRepository class
  • Convert DB entity to Expression AST
    • see DefinitionToExpressionConvertor base class
  • Convert Expression AST to DB entity
    • see ExpressionToDefinitionConverter base class
  • Convert Fact expression AST to SQL WHERE statement using JSqlParser
    • see SqlGeneratorVisitor class

DB Structure Fact rich data:

create table foo.EXPRESSION_FACT_ITEM
    ID               int identity constraint PK_EXPRESSION_FACT_ITEM primary key,
    PARENT_ID        int         not null,
    HIERARCHY        hierarchyid not null,
    TYPE             varchar(14) not null,
    LOGICAL_OPERATOR varchar(8),
    VAL_COLUMN_NAME  varchar(64),
    VAL_OPERATOR     varchar(64),
    VAL_VALUE        clob

DB Structure Id simple int artificial relation:

create table foo.EXPRESSION_ID_ITEM
    ID               int identity constraint PK_EXPRESSION_ID_ITEM primary key,
    PARENT_ID        int         not null,
    HIERARCHY        hierarchyid not null,
    TYPE             varchar(14) not null,
    LOGICAL_OPERATOR varchar(8),
    VAL_ID           int

Other features:

  • Parse logical expression string without parentheses to detect implicit operator precedence
    • see StringToExpressionParser class
    • ANTLR grammar SimpleBoolean.g4
  • Integration tests using Testcontainers
    • using MSSQL dockerized DB
    • and Liquibase for DB migration