- Improved README to make it clearer what this project is.
- Ezra is now a parent object for all functions in ezra.js.
- Javascript got cleaned.
- Documentation.
- Added precompiled Bibles.
- Front-end revamp.
- Bug zapped for translate.js.
- OSIS Bible support.
- Scribe generates the list of Bibles to shelf.json.
- Code syntax, semantics, and styling.
- Ezra.js made for rendering Bibles generated by Scribe.
- Translate.js made for conversions.
- Chapter directories deprecated.
- Unbound Bible support.
- Scribe CLI.
- Prepared for multi-format processing.
- Limited to protocanonical books.
- Verse directories deprecated.
- Critical restructuring.
- Project named Ezra.js.
- Front-end framework deprecated.
- File generator named Scribe.
- Scribe simplified and synchronized.
- Biblical Canon defined.
- Express App converted to file generator.