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File metadata and controls

187 lines (94 loc) · 4.67 KB


A awesome website + ERP admin panel


The inspiration of this side project is from my best friend. Since her business just start-up, and ask me build one ERP system cloud help her recording cost and item manage.

🔗 Demo Link

Since the front side now still building now, please use this account tgit o check admin panel demo, it will be normal user if you login with google"

🔗 Backed Source code

Demo is in staging phase , and it render in by free plan, so sometime it would response very slowly, it will take around 2~5 mins if the server spin down.

Table of Content

Project Status

The project status is in staging phase, backend, database, Redis, and static website all render in


  • Frontend

  • react hooks, react-router-dom v6, redux-toolkit, rtk query, Material UI, google oauth

  • Backend

  • express, knex, postgreSql, redis

  • Deploy

  • docker for local development

  • Tools

  • VS Code for frontend, intelliJ IDEA for backend.

Tools I used

  • mui/x-data-grid, mui/x-date-picker, emotion

  • redux-toolkit, redux-state-sync

  • async-mutex

  • date-fns

  • env-cmd

  • formik, yup

  • i18next

  • react-toastify

  • recharts


  • Authentication ✔️

  • User ✔️

  • Users ✔️

  • Users Actions Log ✔️

  • Inventory (building ...)

  • Suppliers (building ...)

User Stories

  • It can toggle light/dark theme on the topbar.

  • It can toggle en/zh-TW language on the topbar.

  • User can register by own system or login with google oauth to login.

  • User can change password, upload avatar, manage own account detail.

  • User can reset password in the safe way if forgot password to login.

  • It can manage users, if user role is up to editor level.

  • It can setup password to activate the account after the manager create a user.

  • It can view admin panel everything, if user role is up to basic level.

  • It can add inventory, and calculate the product cost automatically by user role is up to editor level.

  • It can add product detail, and the front site would show in products page by user role is up to editor level.

Folder structure

  • public

    • manifest, index.html, favicon
  • src

    • assests

      • images, styles, theme config, i18n data
    • components

      • global components, and components which use for pages.
    • features

      main folder for build project

      • modules functions of project.

      • It has components, hooks, services, or utils if features need.

    • hooks

      • global hooks

      • eg. useToggle, useCustomTheme ...

    • layout

      • global ui layout, page ui wrapper
    • lib

      • some third party tool

      • eg. i18n instance

    • pages

      • the file would match of each route.
    • routes

      • routes maneger
    • services

      • rtk query config, firebase config, global context(store)
    • utils

      • the functions use for globally.


Actually, I haven't used redux-toolkit in any react project before, since it's not too big project I made. But It looks very easy to manage states, and clean code for project after I study redux-toolkit documents.

So it inspire me to implement everything in project by redux-toolkit.

And due to setup redux-toolkit for project, I think it's good chance to check the power of rtk query in this project. (Eg. You don't need to store data in state after fetching api.)

It's not quite much reference of how to use rtk query. But the official document explain very clearly for everything. I think it's good chance for me to learn how to read documents, and custom code in my case as a junior developer.

The conclusion of this project, I implement every thing in enterprise level as possible even it just a side project. So I learned a lot of skill, and use much tool I haven't used before, like Redis, docker, or other react eco system library.


It's in staging phase in current, and it render in by free plan, so sometime it would response very slowly.

Every document or code would be change since in staging phase now.