# enter directory with source codes
cd module01
# build SPA application in ACR - build has to be done from folder with source codes: java-k8s-workshop
az acr build --registry $ACR_NAME --image myappspa:v1 ./src/myappspa
# for purpose of lab create v2 of your app by only changing from v1 to v2 in version file and build container with v2 tag
echo v2 > ./src/myappspa/version
az acr build --registry $ACR_NAME --image myappspa:v2 ./src/myappspa
# build JAVA microservice (spring-boot)
az acr build --registry $ACR_NAME --image myapptodo:v1 ./src/myapptodo
az container create -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} -l ${LOCATION} \
--name myapp --image ${ACR_URL}/myappspa:v1 \
--ports 8080 --ip-address public \
--registry-username ${ACR_NAME} --registry-password "${ACR_KEY}"
Grab public IP address from output and now you can test it with your browser http://YOUR-IP-ADDRESS:8080
And finally we can delete container instance from Azure Portal ...