Methods for setting cursor styles in React components.
import { View, Cursor } from "tile-css"
const InteractiveElement = View()
export const CursorDemo = () => <InteractiveElement />;
Set the cursor style for an element.
Using a custom cursor image:
src: 'url(path/to/cursor.png)',
cursor: Cursor.Pointer
Using the url
url: 'path/to/cursor.png',
cursor: Cursor.Auto
enum Cursor {
Auto, Default, Pointer, Wait, Text, Move, Help, NotAllowed, None,
ContextMenu, Progress, Cell, Crosshair, VerticalText, Alias, Copy,
NoDrop, Grab, Grabbing, AllScroll, ColResize, RowResize,
NResize, EResize, SResize, WResize, NEResize, NWResize, SEResize,
SWResize, EWResize, NSResize, NESWResize, NWSEResize, ZoomIn, ZoomOut
cursor?: Cursor
: A Cursor enum valuesrc?: string
: URL of a custom cursor image (in "url(..)" format)url?: string
: URL of a custom cursor image (will be automatically wrapped in "url(..)")
When using a custom cursor image, you can provide a fallback cursor type.
If no cursor is specified when using a custom image, it defaults to auto