- JDK >= 1.8,
- Maven >= 3.x
To build the project use standard mvn
commands. Build standard package;
mvn clean package
This will build into a single executable assembly.
After build, the tool can be executed using the following syntax;
java -jar target/aws-cloudformation-template-schema-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The tool can be used to generate multiple groups of schemas as needed for particular purposes. Here is a sample configuration file that generates for only us-east-2 region. It create 2 groups in addition to the default bundle based on the config file show below in the local directory ./cfn-schemas
regions: [us-east-2]
output: cfn-schemas
- AWS::ApiGateway.*
- AWS::Lambda.*
- AWS::IAM.*
- AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2.*
- AWS::RDS.*
- AWS::AutoScal.*
- AWS::IAM.*
To generate your own subset, save the file as cfg.yml and then run with
java -jar target/aws-cloudformation-template-schema-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --config-file cfg.yml
The files will be generated inside $PWD/cfn-schemas/us-east-2/*-spec.json