Read PMS5003 sensor on Serial/Serial1/Serial2, depending on the board.
Note This is a 5V board, and the PMS5003 RX/TX pins are 3.3V. You need to add a logic level converter, or use a 3.3V version of this board.
- Serial1 on pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX).
framework = arduino
platform = atmelavr
board = leonardo
build_flags = -D USE_HWSERIAL1
# compile
platformio run -e leonardo
# upload
platformio run -e leonardo -t upload
# open serial monitor
platformio run -e leonardo -t monitor
Note This is a 5V board, and the PMS5003 RX/TX pins are 3.3V. You need to add a logic level converter, or use a 3.3V version of this board.
- Serial1 on pins 19 (RX) and 18 (TX),
- Serial2 on pins 17 (RX) and 16 (TX),
- Serial3 on pins 15 (RX) and 14 (TX).
This example uses Serial1.
framework = arduino
platform = atmelavr
board = megaatmega2560
build_flags = -D USE_HWSERIAL1
# compile
platformio run -e mega2560
# upload
platformio run -e mega2560 -t upload
# open serial monitor
platformio run -e mega2560 -t monitor
Note This is a 3.3V board, and the PMS5003 requires 5V. You need provide 5V for the fan to operate properly.
- Serial1 on pins PA10 (RX) and PA9 (TX),
- Serial2 on pins PA3 (RX) and PA2 (TX),
- Serial3 on pins PB11 (RX) and PB10 (TX).
This example uses Serial1.
framework = arduino
platform = ststm32
board = genericSTM32F103C8
upload_protocol = stlink
# compile
platformio run -e genericSTM32F103C8
# upload
platformio run -e genericSTM32F103C8 -t upload
# open serial monitor
platformio run -e genericSTM32F103C8 -t monitor
Note This is a 3.3V board, and the PMS5003 requires 5V. You need provide 5V for the fan to operate properly.
- Serial1 on pins 25/PA10 (RX) and 26/PA9 (TX),
- Serial2 on pins 8/PA3 (RX) and 9/PA2 (TX),
- Serial3 on pins 0/PB11 (RX) and 1/PB10 (TX).
This example uses Serial2.
framework = arduino
platform = ststm32
board = maple_mini_b20
build_flags = -D USE_HWSERIAL2
# compile
platformio run -e maple_mini
# upload
platformio run -e maple_mini -t upload
# open serial monitor
platformio run -e maple_mini -t monitor
Note This is a 3.3V board, and the PMS5003 requires 5V.
- Serial is the only HardwareSerial.
This example used Serial for communicating with the sensor and printing the sensor values. Some garbage between printouts is to be expected.
framework = arduino
platform = espressif8266
board = esp01
# compile
platformio run -e esp01
# upload
platformio run -e esp01 -t upload
# open serial monitor
platformio run -e esp01 -t monitor
Note This is a 3.3V board, and the PMS5003 requires 5V. You need provide 5V for the fan to operate properly.
- Serial1 is by default on pins 9 (RX) and 10 (TX).
- Serial2 on pins 16 (RX) and 17 (TX).
On some ESP32 boards Serial1 default pins are connected to the flash. Using the standard constructor will cause a crash, see espressif/arduino-esp32#148.
// will crash the ESP32
SerialPM pms(PMSx003, Serial1);
Fortunately, it is possible to define alternative for pins by calling:
// define Serial1 pins
Serial1.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, <RX>, <TX>);
The PMSerial library uses this feature to implement the flexibility of SoftwareSerial
// define Serial1 pins
SerialPM pms(PMS5003, <RX>, <TX>);
The SoftwareSerial example uses Serial1 on pins 23 (RX) and 19 (TX). This example uses Serial2.
framework = arduino
platform = espressif32
board = mhetesp32minikit
build_flags = -D USE_HWSERIAL2
# compile
platformio run -e esp32minikit
# upload
platformio run -e esp32minikit -t upload
# open serial monitor
platformio run -e esp32minikit -t monitor
Note This is a 3.3V board, and the PMS5003 requires 5V. You need provide 5V for the fan to operate properly.
- Serial1 on pins 13 (RX) and 14 (TX).
framework = arduino
platform = atmelsam
board = mkrwifi1010
build_flags = -D USE_HWSERIAL1
# compile
platformio run -e mkrwifi1010
# upload
platformio run -e mkrwifi1010 -t upload
# open serial monitor
platformio run -e mkrwifi1010 -t monitor