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Setup Instructions

authorblues edited this page May 19, 2021 · 16 revisions


  1. download and unpack shuffler.lua and related folders into the same directory
    • shuffler-src/ = auxilliary scripts, config backup, and helper files (DO NOT MODIFY)
    • plugins/ = plugins for custom functionality
    • output-info/ = text files for streaming/broadcast software (files explained below)
  2. run shuffler.lua in Bizhawk (before loading any game) but DO NOT complete the setup
  3. place roms in the games/ folder created by the script (more games can be added later)
  4. NOW complete the setup form - settings are explained below
  5. press your chosen hotkey (default: Ctrl+Shift+End) to mark a game as complete


  • Seed - this value is the seed for the random number generator (if racing, choose same seed)
  • Minimum Swap Time - minimum number of seconds between game swaps
  • Maximum Swap Time - maximum number of seconds between game swaps
  • Resuming a run? - check this box to resume a previous session (uses shuffler-src/config.lua)
  • Hotkey: Completed Game - this is the hotkey (combo?) you will press to mark a game as complete
    • if background input is not enabled on Bizhawk, this hotkey may not work predictably


  • current-game.txt - name of current game (based on filename, minus the extension)
  • total-time.txt - APPROXIMATE total time spent on this shuffler
    • (this is an approximation. NOT a substitute for a timer, for speedrun/race purposes)
  • total-swaps.txt - total number of times the shuffler has swapped games
  • current-time.txt - APPROXIMATE time spent on current game during this shuffler
  • current-swaps.txt - number of times the shuffler has swapped to the current game
  • completed-games.txt - list of games marked as complete, one per line
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