- PHP 7.2+ is now required.
- Github CI workflow added.
- Scrutinizer CI updated.
- MIT License.
- (ADD) Add support for hash_equals() in CsrfToken::isValid()
- (ADD) Add support for random_bytes() in Randval::generate()
- (TST) Update tests and test support files
- (DOC) Update license year and remove branch alias
This release modifies the testing structure and updates other support files.
This is the first stable release of Aura.Session 2.0.0.
Fix #23
Merge pull request #33 from harikt/issue-23.
Merge pull request #35 from iansltx/php7-compat: Fix FakeSessionHandler::write() (fixes PHP7 tests)
Merge pull request #36 from fiahfy/spike: fix param type
Merge pull request #37 from tomkyle/develop-2: Removed redundant paragraph
Merge pull request #38 from tomkyle/develop-2: Clarified parameter descriptions
Updated documentation and support files.
TST: Update testing structure, use plain old PHPUnit for tests
CHG: Use new service naming rules
CHG: Disable auto-resolve for container tests
First 2.0.0 beta release.
Hygiene release.
Fix #8 related to unit tests failing because of ini_set values. Thanks @mindplay-dk
Merge pull request #12 from harikt/v2config, adds v2 config files.
[CHG] Manager::destroy() now checks whether the session is started; if not, starts it, and then destroys. This is because sessions are lazy-loading.
[DOC] Add PHP 5.5 to the Travis build and update docs
There are BC breaks in this release, but it's a Google beta, so ...
[SEC] Based on conversation at http://www.eschrade.com/page/generating-secure-cross-site-request-forgery-tokens-csrf/ start using openssl and mcrypt for CSRF tokens instead of mt_rand().
[NEW] SegmentInterface, Randval, RandvalInterface.
[BRK] The Manager now requires $_COOKIE as its third param to Manager.
[CHG] Segments now lazy-load themselves. On reads, they will reactivate an available session, but will not start a new one. On writes, they will reactivate an available session, or start a new one if one is not available. This means that creating a segment object no longer starts a session; you have to read from or write to one for the session to start.
[BRK] Renamed Manager::isActive() to isAvailable(), to differentiate from PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE. ( Previously, isActive() only told you if a session had started, not if one was available to be activated.)
[CHG] Manager::getSegment() no longer starts a session
[CHG] Manager::isStarted() now checks getStatus() for PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE instead of session_id().
[CHG] Segment::__get() no longer returns a reference
[BRK] Renamed Manager::getSegment() to newSegment()
[CHG] Manager no longer retains session segments
[CHG] Various typo and doc fixes by Akihito Koriyama