Version 3.13
- revert changes for Gradle incremental processing
Version 3.12
incremental processing in Gradle
Version 3.11
- do not crash on Java records
Version 3.10
- support relocations in classindex-transformer (#64)
Version 3.9
- also check for NoClassDefFoundError during class loading (#56)
Version 3.8
- make JAR file a valid OSGi bundle
Version 3.6
- remove dependency on JAXB API
Version 3.5
- make sure @Repeatable annotations are correctly indexed
Version 3.4
- TypeElement and PackageElement cannot be used reliably as a key for the map
- bring back compatibility with Android API < 19 by not depending on the availability of StandardCharsets class
Version 3.3
- New methods to return names of classes as a string
Version 3.2
- Better Java8 compatibility
- Better filtering
Version 3.1
- Class filtering - mechanism to filter classes based on various criteria
Version 3.0
- Non-local named nested classes are also indexed (both static and inner classes)
- Fix: incremental compilation in IntelliJ IDEA
- You can now restrict the results to specific class loader
- package name nad groupId have changed to org.atteo.classindex
Version 2.2
- Fix: jaxb.index was in incorrect format
Version 2.1
- Fix: custom processor with indexAnnotation() call resulted in javac throwing Error
Version 2.0
- You can now use ClassIndex.getClassSummary() to retrieve first sentence of the Javadoc. For this to work specify storeJavadoc=true attribute when using IndexAnnotated or IndexSubclasses
- Requires Java 1.7
Version 1.4
- Fix FileNotFoundException when executed under Tomcat from Eclipse
Version 1.3
- Ignore classes which don't exist at runtime (#4). This fixes some issues in Eclipse.
- Allow to create custom processors which index subclasses and packages
Version 1.2
- Fix Eclipse support (#3)
Version 1.1
- Fix incremental compilation (#1)