To overwrite/customise the window decorations for the edit buffer, or to change
the default keymaps, you can use the following syntax when instantiating the
lua plugin with packer.nvim
Here is an example of a custom config that uses the default configuration, to change these settings, just override the provided configuration variables. If you would like more functionality to change, please submit a PR or raise an issue to let me know!
config = function()
window_options = {
relative = "cursor",
style = "minimal",
border = "single",
width = 80,
height = 25,
zindex = 10,
bufpos = { 0, 30 },
focusable = true,
noautocmd = true,
keybinds = {
edit_block = "<leader>te",
tangle_file = "<leader>tf",
tangle_workspace = "<leader>tw",
tangle_remove = "<leader>tu",