index a4eb1bc7..502a20b0 100644
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
* @derberg @fmvilas @asyncapi-bot-eve
-/anypointmq/ @GeraldLoeffler
-/ibmmq/ @rcoppen
-/kafka/ @lbroudoux @dalelane
-/solace/ @damaru-inc @CameronRushton
-*.json @KhudaDad414
+/anypointmq/ @GeraldLoeffler
+/ibmmq/ @rcoppen
+/kafka/ @lbroudoux @dalelane
+/googlepubsub/ @whitlockjc
+/solace/ @damaru-inc @CameronRushton
+*.json @KhudaDad414
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3891c577..849447a7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ This repository contains the specifications for each AsyncAPI protocol binding.
* [AMQP binding](./amqp)
* [AMQP 1.0 binding](./amqp1)
+* [Google Cloud Pub/Sub binding](./googlepubsub)
* [HTTP binding](./http)
* [IBM MQ binding](./ibmmq)
* [JMS binding](./jms)
diff --git a/googlepubsub/README.md b/googlepubsub/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2e6b527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlepubsub/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Google Cloud Pub/Sub Bindings
+This document defines how to describe Google Cloud Pub/Sub specific information with AsyncAPI.
+## Version
+Current version is `0.1.0`.
+## Channel Binding Object
+The `Channel Bindings Object` is used to describe the Google Cloud Pub/Sub specific
+[Topic](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.topics/create) details with AsyncAPI.
+Field Name | Type | Description
+`bindingVersion`|String|The current version is `0.1.0`
+`labels`|Object|An object of key-value pairs _(These are used to categorize Cloud Resources like Cloud Pub/Sub Topics.)_
+`messageRetentionDuration`|String|Indicates the minimum duration to retain a message after it is published to the topic _(Must be a valid [Duration](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/google.protobuf#google.protobuf.Duration).)_
+`messageStoragePolicy`|[Message Storage Policy Object](#message-storage-policy-object)|Policy constraining the set of Google Cloud Platform regions where messages published to the topic may be stored
+`schemaSettings`|[Schema Settings Object](#schema-settings-object)|Settings for validating messages published against a schema
+`topic`|String|The Google Cloud Pub/Sub Topic name
+### Message Storage Policy Object
+The `Message Storage Policy Object` is used to describe the Google Cloud Pub/Sub
+Object with AsyncAPI.
+Field Name | Type | Description
+`allowedPersistenceRegions`|String[]|A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages that are published to the topic may be persisted in storage
+### Schema Settings Object
+The `Schema Settings Object` is used to describe the Google Cloud Pub/Sub
+[SchemaSettings](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.topics#SchemaSettings) Object with
+Field Name | Type | Description
+`encoding`|String|The encoding of the message _(Must be one of the possible [Encoding](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.topics#encoding) values.)_
+`firstRevisionId`|String|The minimum _(inclusive)_ revision allowed for validating messages
+`lastRevisionId`|String|The maximum _(inclusive)_ revision allowed for validating messages
+`name`|String|The name of the schema that messages published should be validated against _(The format is `projects/{project}/schemas/{schema}`.)_
+### Example
+# ...
+ topic-avro-schema:
+ bindings:
+ googlepubsub:
+ topic: projects/your-project/topics/topic-avro-schema
+ schemaSettings:
+ encoding: avro
+ name: projects/your-project/schemas/message-avro
+# ...
+ topic-proto-schema:
+ bindings:
+ googlepubsub:
+ topic: projects/your-project/topics/topic-proto-schema
+ messageRetentionDuration: 86400s
+ messageStoragePolicy:
+ allowedPersistenceRegions:
+ - us-central1
+ - us-central2
+ - us-east1
+ - us-east4
+ - us-east5
+ - us-east7
+ - us-south1
+ - us-west1
+ - us-west2
+ - us-west3
+ - us-west4
+ schemaSettings:
+ encoding: protobuf
+ name: projects/your-project/schemas/message-proto
+# ...
+## Message Binding Object
+The `Message Binding Object` is used to describe the Google Cloud Pub/Sub specific
+[PubsubMessage](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/rest/v1/PubsubMessage) details, alongside with pertintent
+parts of the Google Cloud Pub/Sub
+Object, with AsyncAPI.
+Field Name | Type | Description
+`bindingVersion`|String|The current version is `0.1.0`
+`attributes`|Object|Attributes for this message _(If this field is empty, the message must contain non-empty data. This can be used to filter messages on the subscription.)_
+`orderingKey`|String|If non-empty, identifies related messages for which publish order should be respected _(For more information, see [ordering messages](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/ordering).)_
+`schema`|[Schema Definition Object](#schema-definition-object)|Describes the schema used to validate the payload of this message
+### Schema Definition Object
+The `Schema Definition Object` is used to describe the Google Cloud Pub/Sub
+[Schema]([Schema](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.schemas#Schema)) Object with AsyncAPI.
+While some of this information could be, or is, described using native AsyncAPI, for consistency it makes sense to
+provide this information here at all times, especially for cases where AsyncAPI does not natively support describing
+payloads using a supported Google Cloud Pub/Sub schema format like Protobuf.
+Field Name | Type | Description
+`name`|String|The name of the schema
+`type`|String|The type of the schema
+### Example
+# ...
+ messages:
+ messageAvroAsJSON:
+ bindings:
+ googlepubsub:
+ schema:
+ name: projects/your-project/schemas/message-avro
+ type: avro
+ contentType: application/json
+ name: projects/your-project/schemas/message-avro
+ payload:
+ fields:
+ - name: message
+ type: string
+ name: Message
+ type: record
+ schemaFormat: application/vnd.apache.avro+yaml;version=1.9.0
+ messageProto:
+ bindings:
+ googlepubsub:
+ schema:
+ name: projects/your-project/schemas/message-proto
+ type: protobuf
+ contentType: application/octet-stream
+ name: projects/your-project/schemas/message-proto
+ payload: true
+# ...
+## Operation Binding Object
+This object MUST NOT contain any properties. Its name is reserved for future use.
+## Server Binding Object
+This object MUST NOT contain any properties. Its name is reserved for future use.
diff --git a/googlepubsub/json_schemas/channel.json b/googlepubsub/json_schemas/channel.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9e280e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlepubsub/json_schemas/channel.json
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+ "$id": "http://asyncapi.com/bindings/googlepubsub/channel.json",
+ "title": "Cloud Pub/Sub Channel Schema",
+ "description": "This object contains information about the channel representation for Google Cloud Pub/Sub.",
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "^x-[\\w\\d\\.\\-\\_]+$": {
+ "$ref": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asyncapi/spec-json-schemas/v2.14.0/schemas/2.4.0.json#/definitions/specificationExtension"
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "bindingVersion": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "0.1.0"
+ ],
+ "description": "The version of this binding."
+ },
+ "labels": {
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "messageRetentionDuration": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "messageStoragePolicy": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "allowedPersistenceRegions": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schemaSettings": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalItems": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "encoding": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "firstRevisionId": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "lastRevisionId": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["encoding", "name"]
+ },
+ "topic": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["schemaSettings", "topic"],
+ "examples": [
+ {
+ "labels": {
+ "label1": "value1",
+ "label2": "value2"
+ },
+ "messageRetentionDuration": "86400s",
+ "messageStoragePolicy": {
+ "allowedPersistenceRegions": [
+ "us-central1",
+ "us-east1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "schemaSettings": {
+ "encoding": "avro",
+ "name": "projects/your-project-id/schemas/your-schema"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/googlepubsub/json_schemas/message.json b/googlepubsub/json_schemas/message.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a647d743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlepubsub/json_schemas/message.json
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+ "$id": "http://asyncapi.com/bindings/googlepubsub/message.json",
+ "title": "Cloud Pub/Sub Channel Schema",
+ "description": "This object contains information about the message representation for Google Cloud Pub/Sub.",
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "^x-[\\w\\d\\.\\-\\_]+$": {
+ "$ref": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asyncapi/spec-json-schemas/v2.14.0/schemas/2.4.0.json#/definitions/specificationExtension"
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "bindingVersion": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "0.1.0"
+ ],
+ "description": "The version of this binding."
+ },
+ "attributes": {
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "orderingKey": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalItems": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["name", "type"]
+ }
+ },
+ "examples": [
+ {
+ "schema": {
+ "name": "projects/your-project-id/schemas/your-avro-schema-id",
+ "type": "avro"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "schema": {
+ "name": "projects/your-project-id/schemas/your-protobuf-schema-id",
+ "type": "protobuf"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file