You can run Kubernetes in Docker (kind) in order to develop this chart on your workstation.
- Docker
Make sure your user has access to Docker:
docker run --rm hello-world:latest
To delete an existing kind cluster and reinstall the helm chart from scratch
# Optionally, you can specify a kubernetes version available from
The above script takes the following steps:
- Install dependencies: kind, kubectl, helm
- Delete existing kind cluster named 'kind', if it exists
- Start a new kind cluster
- Install Tiller in the kind cluster
- Deploy Airflow in the kind cluster
The easiest way to access services after the chart has been installed is to use the kubefwd
tool. bin/reset-local-dev
installs the chart into the airflow
namespace. Run the following command to expose all of the services within that namespace so they are accessible by dns names:
sudo -E kubefwd svc -n airflow
The output will look something like:
INFO[11:55:18] _ _ __ _
INFO[11:55:18] | | ___ _| |__ ___ / _|_ ____| |
INFO[11:55:18] | |/ / | | | '_ \ / _ \ |_\ \ /\ / / _ |
INFO[11:55:18] | <| |_| | |_) | __/ _|\ V V / (_| |
INFO[11:55:18] |_|\_\\__,_|_.__/ \___|_| \_/\_/ \__,_|
INFO[11:55:18] Version 1.22.5
INFO[11:55:18] Press [Ctrl-C] to stop forwarding.
INFO[11:55:18] 'cat /etc/hosts' to see all host entries.
INFO[11:55:18] Loaded hosts file /etc/hosts
INFO[11:55:18] HostFile management: Original hosts backup already exists at /Users/testuser/hosts.original
INFO[11:55:18] Successfully connected context: kind-kind
WARN[11:55:18] WARNING: Skipped Port-Forward for chart-1702669617-statsd:9125 to pod chart-1702669617-statsd-79d84847b4-xtj6l:9125 - k8s port-forwarding doesn't support UDP protocol
INFO[11:55:18] Port-Forward: chart-1702669617-statsd:9102 to pod chart-1702669617-statsd-79d84847b4-xtj6l:9102
INFO[11:55:18] Port-Forward: chart-1702669617-webserver:8080 to pod chart-1702669617-webserver-5749fc855c-x649p:8080
INFO[11:55:18] Port-Forward: chart-1702669617-postgresql-hl:5432 to pod chart-1702669617-postgresql-0:5432
INFO[11:55:18] Port-Forward: chart-1702669617-postgresql-0.chart-1702669617-postgresql-hl:5432 to pod chart-1702669617-postgresql-0:5432
INFO[11:55:18] Port-Forward: chart-1702669617-postgresql:5432 to pod chart-1702669617-postgresql-0:5432
You should then be able to access each service at its domain name and port pair as shown.
See tests/ for instruction on how to write tests for chart changes.