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@klues klues released this 27 Jan 07:36
· 148 commits to master since this release


  • completely re-wrote library for displaying grids: Vue CSS Grid Layout replaces the ancient GridList library, which is the foundation of many changes from this release and makes future maintainence and improvements possible, #451
  • new behaviour in drag & drop of elements in edit mode: dropping on another element causes elements to swap positions, dropping in-between two elements causes other elements to move to the right, #451
  • grid edit: elements can now be moved out of the grid at right and bottom, which automatically increases the size of the grid, #451
  • new UI of settings view: settings are now organized in tabs, #452, #283
  • added possibility to disable global grid for specific grids, #399
  • added possibility to cut / copy / paste elements in grid edit view, #419
  • added possibility to move all elements to top/right/bottom/left in edit view, #451
  • context menu for grid elements can now be opened by long-tap on iOS / Safari in edit view, #451
  • added keyboard shortcuts for grid edit view, #451
    • Ctrl + C, Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V: copy, cut and paste the current element
    • Ctrl + Shift + C: copy all elements of the current grid
    • Ctrl + Z: undo
    • Ctrl + Shift + Z: redo
    • Del: delete current element
    • Ctrl + Arrow[Up/Right/Down/Left]: move all elements to top/right/bottom/left

Appearance settings

  • many new possibilities to specify the appearance of text and cells, #168
  • specify text position, font family, font size, font color, maximum number of lines, line height, border color, border width, space between elements and border radius, #390
  • specify handling of too long texts: adapt automatically, truncate or ellipsis
  • specify if keyboard letters should automatically be sized bigger
  • specify font-size, background / border color and font color at element-level overriding the global settings
  • specify if background or border should be colored for colored elements (color categories), #259
  • added dark color schemes for "Fitzgerald" and "Goosens" in order to be able to use the grids in a dark mode


  • resolve issues in OBZ imports, see #466
  • no truncated texts in elements anymore (if not specified by option), #179

Other issues closed as side-effect: #285, #287, #288, #403, #28

Support us

If AsTeRICS Grid is helpful for you or your organization, please consider to support us. AsTeRICS Grid is and always will be free to use for everyone, but we need to run and maintain servers for thousands of users, which costs money. By donating you help us to cover these costs and keep all services running.



Thanks to ARASAAC, @arasaac-dga and Manuela Santos, @ms-mialingvo - without your immense feedback and testing I would not have been able to achieve the high quality of all of these changes!

The features of this release were funded by netidee.