npm install
Copy config.js.default
to config.js
and modify to the desired values
node http-proxy.js
module.exports = {
ip: '', // this is what the
port: 80, // proxy will listen to
sourceServer: '', // this is what the proxy
sourcePort: 80, // will read from
sourceTimeout: 2000, // timeout for requests
// to source (ms)
log: { // logging:
file: './http-proxy.log', // set to null to not use
// file logging
console: true, // set to false to not
// log to stdout
level: 0, // 0: error, 1: warnings
// 2: notices, 3: debug
debugKeys: [ // Empty Array: log all debug
'Request', // Special keys to be debugged
'CacheSize', // ^^
'GarbageCollection' // ^^
cacheSize: 100, // Number of resources
// to be cached before
// evictions will occure
garbageCollectionInterval: 1000 // intervall with that the
// garbage collection will evict
// entries