Counts down days until the next day that the number of days I've been alive is a prime number. The number of remaining days is displayed as a matula tree.
When current date is a prime number the screen blinks randomly. Ornamental dots on the sides are prime factors.
Requires a Mod4 Max7219 8x32LED Matrix and RTC DS1307 Clock module. Chronos Library to calculate the number of days since my birth. Optimized primality testing function is made by me. Tested on Arduino Nano ATMEGA 328P SMD FTDI Current clock date/time can be read and updated through serial connection. Matula trees are stored in PROGMEM to conserve memory.
Potential future feature: store LED intensity level in EEPROM.
Irrational activities to perform on irregular days: Gamble, Pray, Drink, Dance, Argue