- Updated BOLT driver to version 1.3.0
- Updated Apache Tinkerpop to version 3.2.5
- Fixed bug reading LIST OF ANY? values, thanks runnerway
- Fixed bug in Update statement when removing Edge/Vertex property value
- Fixed 0.2.19 release, version was not updated
- Updated BOLT driver to version 1.1.2
- Fixed bug setting element property to null
- Updated Apache Tinkerpop to version 3.2.4
- Performance optimization while getting a single element by id
- Updated BOLT driver to version 1.1.0
- Fixed bug updating edge, incorrect MERGE statement
- Updated BOLT driver to version 1.0.6
- Fixed bug updating edge
- Fixed bug related to invalid CYPHER statement when using the Neo4JNativeElementIdProvider
- Fixed some bugs related to Apache Tinkerpop Test suite execution (StructureStandardSuite)
- Updated Apache Tinkerpop to version 3.2.3
- Neo4J native id generation performance improvements