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Releases: arianneorpilla/jidoujisho


27 May 05:35
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This release implements pitch accent, showing pitch accent diagrams in place of the reading where available in the pop-up dictionary, main menu and creator mode. Cards may also be exported with pitch accent diagrams after a required template update. The pitch accent data is sourced from Kanjium, formatted and parsed similarly to Yomichan's functionality.

Template Updates: In order to make use of the new pitch accent exports, users are required to update their Anki templates. In particular, users will only need to add the following lines to both their video playback and creator CSS card templates. The full template with instructions on how to edit the template can be reviewed here.

  border-top: solid red 1px;
  padding-top: 1px;

  border-color: red;
  border-right: solid red 1px;
  border-top: solid red 1px;  
  line-height: 1px;
  margin-right: 1px;
  padding-right: 1px;

The new template is backwards compatible and cards from before this release will continue to function. Existing cards generated before this release will not have pitch accent diagrams. If you wish to effortlessly add pitch accent diagrams to your existing deck, you are encouraged to sync your Anki collection to desktop and utilize a third-party add-on.

System Requirements: This application has been tested by myself and other users to work on a variety of real-world devices and emulators running Android 7 and above (thanks to Hexavall). If the installation fails, try clearing enough storage space (Cheers to kekkonkinenbi for letting me know).


  • (New Feature) Pitch Accent - Readings that have appropriate pitch accent data will now be shown in the pop-up dictionary, main menu and creator mode. Anki cards can now be exported with pitch accent diagrams if available.
  • Changed the default Anki template for both cards in video playback and creator mode to introduce pitch accent exports. Existing users are required to edit their CSS to the new default templates to display the new pitch accent diagram exports.
  • Changed the default Anki template for cards exporting during video playback to only show the sentence to encourage users to improve their reading comprehension.
  • Fixed an issue where the dictionary could not be used to search for words in the main menu if the dictionary was empty unless words were added from video playback or creator mode prior.
  • Application startup may be a bit slower as the pitch accent dictionary needs to initialize with each startup.


  • Fixed a critical export issue where a mismatch in the dictionary and the export occured, suggesting in export that the starting pitch is always high, resulting in wrong exports for Odaka and Nakadaka readings


  • Headword and reading results from are now sanitized of artifacts to be consistent with results and to be cleaner.
  • Fixed an issue where in some words (e.g. 学校) small tsu was not parsed as separate mora, which resulted in some wrong patterns
  • Fixed an issue where patterns did not show for some headwords that did not have a reading (e.g. ぐつぐつ)


  • Initialization of pitch accent data is now asynchronous, returning app launch speed to as it was prior
  • Fixed an issue where partial reading matches would work for some pitch accent entries, changed to use exact matches.


  • Added scrollbars on most scrollable widgets in the application to inform user of progress and allow quicker bar scrolling
  • Tapping on a tab when it is already highlighted in the main menu will now scroll the tab to the top
  • Removed Cancel from several dialog options which redundantly padded the width of dialog options
  • Fixed an issue where pitch accent exact matches did not work for entries with multiple headwords
  • Fixed an issue where scroll position would jump and not save properly when using the Dictionary tab
  • Fixed an issue where some words like 人 from had some artifacting in the headword

The pitch accent update

Developer Note: In response to recent conversations and debates in the language learning community about the importance of studying Japanese pitch accent, I have decided that this is a feature that is absolutely necessary to include in my application. While I myself am not passionate about immediate output or sounding indistinguishable to a native as soon as possible or at all, I believe in supplying the most dedicated Japanese learners with the resources that they want in order to achieve their aims. I hope that this release empowers users to fulfill whatever aim they have in regards to pitch accent.

Which file should I download?

The files are split between the different device architectures to save user download bandwidth and storage space. Depending on which device you are using, download the appropriate APK by expanding the "Assets" drop-down menu below.

Test each APK available for each architecture. If you're not sure, the arm64 download should be suitable for most mobile devices.


08 May 18:50
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This release implements resume from context and allows users to hold on a definition in the Dictionary tab to resume to the exact subtitle that was clicked on to yield the definition. The intent of the feature is to encourage a feedback loop of understanding words not only from dictionary definitions but also from the context they came from.

Many of the enhancements and fixes in 0.15's newly introduced card creator has expanded the scope of the application to a card creation toolkit. The Clipboard tab has now aptly been renamed the Dictionary tab, with a new search button to allow use of the application as a standalone dictionary if so desired. In addition, the dictionary history items are now grouped by search query.

Creator Template Updates: The default creator template has changed since the first release of the card creator. Changes include now including audio and sentence in the default template if users desire to use them, and a default maximum height to account for portrait images too big for the card without bounds. The templates of existing users are backwards compatible and will continue to function. If you desire to update, the updated templates can be found here.

System Requirements: This application has been tested by myself and other users to work on a variety of real-world devices and emulators running Android 7 and above (thanks to Hexavall). If the installation fails, try clearing enough storage space (Cheers to kekkonkinenbi for letting me know).


  • (New Feature) Resume from Context - Users will now be able to hold onto dictionary definitions in the newly renamed Dictionary tab and may select Context to resume from where the subtitle was sourced for review purposes, definitions that will function with this are labelled with 'from video'
  • Search terms are now trimmed to sanitize how they appear in dictionary history
  • Fixed an issue where whatever screen on the main menu did not update upon returning from video playback
  • Fixed an issue where the search result widget did not look elegant when lengthier than usual
  • Fixed some layout issues related to the pop-up dictionary


  • Significantly improved the initial load speed and lazy loading performance of videos from listed channels that have a large amount of videos where sometimes the list did not load in at all
  • Removed sorting videos by oldest, users who formerly relied on this are advised to find videos in the official YouTube app and share them into the application instead
  • Dictionary scroll position is now remembered when moving away from the dictionary tab or into the creator
  • Improved the parsing of YouTube automatic captions to flatten duplicate consecutive subtitles
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes subtitles from queried YouTube automatic captions did not appear on screen
  • Changed the labels of some main menu elements


  • (New Feature) Set Preferred Video Quality - With a new option in the video quality option menu, users can now choose their preferred YouTube quality between last selected and lowest and highest quality (with seek friendly and all streams) options (#19)
  • Player will now appropriately change if a YouTube link is shared while another video is playing (#20)
  • Significantly changed the player menus to have coloring to indicate the current playing audio and subtitle, YouTube resolution and the active immersion modes
  • Reordered and repositioned user interface elements in the player menu
  • The adjust delay and allowance screen now resumes playback if the video was playing beforehand
  • Added an option to toggle shadowing mode in the player menu to make the feature's presence more apparent


  • Fixed an oversight where 'Subtitle - None' was highlighted when an external subtitle is used


  • Definitions searched since the start of the application will now be cached, allowing instant back and forths between already searched definitions, particularly useful for switching between bilingual and monolingual modes
  • Monolingual learners may now hold on the word or reading of a definition in the pop-up dictionary as a way to instantly switch between bilingual and monolingual modes
  • Increased the text size of text elements related to definitions
  • Added a return button to go back to the last definition when searching and selecting text recursively in a monolingual definition
  • Removed redundant 'Select all' from selectable text prompt for monolingual definitions
  • Changed ellipsis text elements to an animated jumping dots animation
  • Search results are now always trimmed, no leading or trailing spaces will be passed to dictionary queries
  • When searching words outside of video playback, the search buttons will change color accordingly to indicate when a search query is still on-going or has finished
  • Added an option to share a playing YouTube video's link to other applications, renamed menu option appropriately
  • Changed the smart resume conditions in a possibly confusing scenario for users where opening and closing the transcript in definition focus mode or otherwise might undesirably resume the video or leave the player paused



  • Fixed a critical debug artifact and oversight where no audio was exported from any video (does not fix reported issue)


  • Changed the smart resume conditions on export and on opening the transcript menu
  • Exporting with no subtitles will now export the current duration with respect to bi-directional audio allowance
  • Shadowing mode now works with no subtitles and will work with respect to bi-directional audio allowance

Strengthening the feedback loop

Developer Note: This feature might be a strange one, and it's certainly not something that I thought I wanted at first. After all, SRS already exists and exporting cards with image and audio is already a thing. Yet, I've always felt somewhat of a disconnect between SRS and immersion time, even though I knew what words I've been studying. This is a way to turn back time to exactly where you found the word and be able to revisit the video and be able to review the vocabulary in its native habitat. I believe this feature is a great marriage and bridge of the active and passive immersion loop of watching a video and then reviewing the definitions later in the end, and will be useful when you want to go back to a word but can't quite figure out how you stumbled into it.

Which file should I download?

The files are split between the different device architectures to save user download bandwidth and storage space. Depending on which device you are using, download the appropriate APK by expanding the "Assets" drop-down menu below.

Test each APK available for each architecture. If you're not sure, the arm64 download should be suitable for most mobile devices.


10 May 09:12
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0.16.1 has been released.
See the updated release notes.


03 May 14:08
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This release implements several share intent related features, a dedicated card creation mode for outside video playback and shadowing mode.

Card Creator Mode: Users will now be able to use the new Card Creator in the main menu to easily create cards outside of video playback. This is practical for users who are reading manga. In addition, users may now share links, text and images to the application. Sharing an image or text to jidoujisho will open the card creator with the appropriate media imported for the card. The card creator allows for searching of photos (via Bing) and text definitions via the same sources in video playback, with bilingual and monolingual search support.

Card Creator Exports: Exports in card creator mode have their own Anki template which can be customized. This is because users may desire a different format in their cards from those exported in normal video playback.

In the default creator template, only the image and word are present in the front of the card. The intention is that the picture replaces the sentence, and the word replaces where the sentence context usually is, with the reading and meaning shown in the back. This makes card creator mode really easy to use out from a fresh installation if reading manga and taking pictures. As always, the template can be customized in AnkiDroid, under the card type jidoujisho (Creator).

Shadowing Mode: In video playback, users may now tap the video duration to toggle shadowing mode. When the video duration is red, shadowing mode is enabled, indicating the end time of the current subtitle after which the player will seek back to the beginning of the subtitle.

System Requirements: This application has been tested by myself and other users to work on a variety of real-world devices and emulators running Android 7 and above (thanks to Hexavall). If the installation fails, try clearing enough storage space (Cheers to kekkonkinenbi for letting me know).


  • (New Feature) Card Creator - Users may use the new creator option in the Clipboard to create cards from searched images and definitions, quick cards that can be created include any card in the clipboard and shared photos into the application
  • (New Feature) Shadowing Mode - Clicking on the duration in video playback will toggle shadowing mode, allowing users to follow along a selected subtitle looped (feature request by kekkonkinenbi)
  • (New Feature) Share Intent - YouTube links can now be shared to the application to open a video (#18), photos and text can now be shared to the application for the card creator
  • Copy and paste click action for the clipboard has been changed to open the history item as a card creator preset
  • Rephrased "recent videos" to "latest videos" and fixed several typos
  • Channel screen now has a similar blank screen to the other screens


  • Shadowing mode now makes use of subtitle delay for timing, audio allowance can also be used to pad the length of loop
  • Using the transcript to seek to a subtitle in shadowing mode will now change the looping subtitle to the picked item


  • (New Feature) Listening Comprehension Mode - A new option in the menu will allow users to use listening comprehension mode, which will hide on-screen subtitles unless the user flicks to seek the current subtitle.
  • Cleaned up audio/subtitle menu related code


  • Video will now auto-rotate to landscape right regardless of user auto-rotation preferences
  • Seeking with the transcript in listening comprehension mode will now have the same behavior as flicking horizontally
  • Search, trending, channels and closed captioning will now re-query appropriately on error upon retry instead of requiring relaunching the application
  • Changed the behavior of the AnkiDroid background service prompts to automatically re-perform the export/populate the card creator screen upon returning from AnkiDroid
  • Changed message of the AnkiDroid background service messages


  • Default creator template has been changed to include audio and sentence in the back, to accommodate users that desire to use those fields, existing users will need to update their templates
  • Search fields for image and word in the creator are now restricted to one line with a submit action
  • Fixed an issue where a card needed an image to be exported
  • Fixed an issue where tapping the search buttons in the creator in succession will make multiple queries
  • Long pressing clipboard entries will now remove the entry from history
  • Sentence field has been moved in the card creator screen to reflect the template
  • Rephrased field descriptions to be front/back agnostic to reflect customizability
  • Changed 'About this app' message and other miscellaneous text changes
  • Fixed an issue from 0.15.3 where exiting playback when finished will result in the 'Exit Playback' prompt


  • Improved some definition query results (improvements include search results for ねずみ, りんご, 本当 where the appropriate kanji was not returned before)
  • Expanded range of monolingual search results by querying for start matches rather than exact matches
  • Increased clipboard history max entry count from 100 to 200
  • Removing search and clipboard items now has a dialog, to mitigate anxiety in accidentally performing a hold action
  • Fixed an issue where adding a dictionary entry would remove another if they had identical words, regardless of differing reading and meaning
  • YouTube thumbnail quality has been dropped to improve bandwidth, load time and UI consistency
  • In card export for video playback and the creator, if the reading is the same as the word, the reading text field will now be left blank as a redundancy
  • Fixed UI inconsistencies in the creator screen
  • Fixed overflow issues related to multiple definitions/images flick to select widgets
  • Holding onto a video will now produce a Material ripple effect
  • Changed and repositioned several text option labels for consistency


  • Added a search bar to the root of the clipboard menu to allow cards to be added very quickly
  • Dictionary entries in the clipboard are now grouped by search results and can be swiped left and right rather than piling up the list with each new entry viewed, the last scrolled index will be remembered, existing users will start over with a fresh slate for compatibility
  • Decreased clipboard history max entry count from 200 to back to 100 as search result grouping should mitigate immediate capacity issues
  • The search query should now show at all instances in the 'Looking up...' message
  • Text color changes to swipe to select multiple definitions/images prompts for readability
  • Fixed an issue where sharing and then reopening the application would show the creator again


  • Clipboard has been renamed to dictionary tab
  • Improved the readability and spacing of monolingual definitions
  • Fixed an issue where a number circle would appear in definitions rather than only at the start of the line
  • Fixed an issue during video playback where the status bar could show sometimes
  • Fixed an issue where wakelock would not enable sometimes
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes displaced the pop-up dictionary when the loading circle shows up in video playback


From video player to sentence mining multi-tool

Developer Note: I have been picking up speed with manga lately, and I noticed that I found myself looking up words when reading physical media, though unable to mine them as efficiently as I would when I watch a video on my own app. That's why I made card creator mode. Not only does it allow super easy sentence mining if you're reading, it also allows you to see images for any words that you've run into that you'd rather assign a photo to. You can also tap on the preview photo to expand and zoom on it if you easily want to use any OCR software alongside the application. Hopefully, this will help users who desire to read more!

Which file should I download?

The files are split between the different device architectures to save user download bandwidth and storage space. Depending on which device you are using, download the appropriate APK by expanding the "Assets" drop-down menu below.

Test each APK available for each architecture. If you're not sure, the arm64 download should be suitable for most mobile devices.


10 May 09:12
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0.15.8 has been released.
See the updated release notes.


08 May 12:17
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0.15.7 has been released.
See the updated release notes.


08 May 12:17
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0.15.6 has been released.
See the updated release notes.


07 May 09:18
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0.15.5 has been released.
See the updated release notes.


06 May 15:34
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0.15.4 has been released.
See the updated release notes.


06 May 12:17
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0.15.3 has been released.
See the updated release notes.