Releases: arendst/Tasmota
Releases · arendst/Tasmota
4.0.7 20170319
- Increased Sonoff Led PWM frequency from 432 to 1000
- Fix possible watch dog reboot after changing module type on web page
- Fix reporting of GPIO usage from web page
- Fix Sonoff Led blank during firmware upgrade
- Fix Sonoff Led flicker and possible flash corruption by using latest Arduino-esp8266 versions
of pwm core files included in sonoff library (#211) - Add PWM output control with commands PWM1 to PWM5 using user selectable GPIOs (#211)
- Fix exceptions due to low values of commands HlwPCal (10000), HlwUCal (1000) and HlwICal (2500) (#223)
- Add Switch state to sensor status (#227, #233)
- Add user configuarble GPIO to module Sonoff Touch (#228)
- Add define WEB_PORT to user_config.h to change default web server port from 80 (#232)
- Fix failed Ota Firmware upgrade started from Web page (#235)
4.0.4 20170312
- Add pulse timers for up to 4 relays (#106)
- Fix Sonoff Led power state when dimmer or color is 0 (#176)
- Add command NtpServer to configure up to three NTP servers (#177)
- Delete module User Test as module Wemos D1 mini has same/more user configurable GPIO (#178)
- Add more user configurable GPIO to module ElectroDragon (#183)
4.0.2 20170308
- Restore correct seriallog level after Serial logging was disabled
- Add simple dimmer slider to Sonoff Led web page
- Reduced root webpage size by 31%
- Expand Status 2 with Build date/time and core version
- Fix webserver redirection when not in WifiManager mode (#156)
- Add command ButtonRestrict On/Off to restrict access to button hold and button multi press options above 2 (#161)
- Fix DS18S20 negative temperature readings (#165)
- Fix crlf compilation error due to bad syntax (#144, #167)
4.0.1 20170305
- Fix char default sizes and set MESSZ to 360 (#143)
- Fix SerialLog setting status
- Disable syslog when emulation is active
- Add DS18B20 web page display refresh
4.0.0 20170303
- Add define to remove config migration code for versions below 3.0 (See Wiki-Upgrade-Migration path)
- Free memory by switching from String to char[]
- Raised Sonoff Led PWM frequency from 200Hz to 432Hz in search of stability (hardware watchdog timeouts) (#122)
- Increase message size and suggested minimum MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE to 512 (#114, #124)
- Remove runtime warning message regarding MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE too small as it is now moved to compile time (#124)
- Fix possible panics with web console and http commands while UDP syslog is active (#127)
- Add optional static IP address (#129)
- Add define ENERGY_RESOLUTION in user_config.h to allow user control over precision (#136)
3.9.22 20170228
- Update web console
- Fix Status 4 JSON message
- Add Exception info during restart if available
- Add osWatch service to detect loop hangs that might happen during (OTA) upgrades
- Add WiOn support for relay and switch only (#82, #102)
- Allow for user specified relay count up to four in sonoff_template.h (#109)
- Add support for HTU21 compatible I2C sensors SI7013, SI7020 and SI7021 (#118)
- Add NodeMCU or Wemos configuration option (#119)