Releases: arenadata/adcm
Releases · arenadata/adcm
Release Notes - Arenadata Cluster Manager - Version 2020.01.30.15
- [ADCM-991] - Do not show groups when no params found
- [ADCM-1037] - Fix
- [ADCM-1104] - Component object should have prototype id link.
New Feature
- [ADCM-264] - Want to kill running ansible job via ADCM
- [ADCM-918] - Make provider vars inherited from "all" level of inventory
- [ADCM-971] - Improve Advanced config accent
- [ADCM-984] - Add context to config.json generated for jobs
- [ADCM-1015] - Support relative path for other places in config.yaml
- [ADCM-1017] - Implements ssh_client fixture for connecting to remote hosts
- [ADCM-1059] - Redesign status and time on job page
- [ADCM-1061] - Add rsync package in base docker image to provide ansible synchronize module
- [ADCM-1089] - License window improvements
- [ADCM-584] - For some reason test_handle_unknown_words_in_bundle is unstable
- [ADCM-585] - config.yaml in subdirectory does not consider it's paths relatively
- [ADCM-645] - Check log may be corrupted on simultaneously changes
- [ADCM-717] - No action list reload on cluster page
- [ADCM-742] - Additional field for JOBS tab
- [ADCM-767] - After shrink displayed status of service is not actualizing automatically
- [ADCM-811] - Regression after bumping restframework to 3.10.2
- [ADCM-817] - key-value aligning in configs
- [ADCM-864] - Ui_options doesn't work for the group
- [ADCM-891] - ADCMClient error "cluster already binded" when it's not
- [ADCM-915] - Action config key with type file not work properly
- [ADCM-929] - adcm_state doesn't change state
- [ADCM-979] - Stop stealing focus at JOBS tab
- [ADCM-989] - Undesired config option
- [ADCM-992] - License acceptance is lost if a newer version of the bundle exists
- [ADCM-993] - Possibility to edit read only map field.
- [ADCM-1003] - Zebra killed itself on invisible fields.
- [ADCM-1011] - Save button active for ro password field for cluster in ro state for field
- [ADCM-1013] - Don't add edition names to update names
- [ADCM-1025] - Frontend don't check max value for numbers.
- [ADCM-1028] - A negative number does not pass validation on the frontend
- [ADCM-1030] - Unable to build bundle whithout .git directory
- [ADCM-1033] - Unable to pass default host actions when use rent(count=1)
- [ADCM-1036] - Config hints rendering is broken
- [ADCM-1040] - Doubling of services at Hosts-Components
- [ADCM-1041] - Imports are broken
- [ADCM-1045] - It seems custom host_conf not apply when use rent
- [ADCM-1046] - job.command really contains a name of a task
- [ADCM-1048] - No name on components in case of missing display_name
- [ADCM-1051] - With long hostnames hosts-components section couldn't fit in it's area
- [ADCM-1055] - New host always adds to some cluster.
- [ADCM-1057] - Password field is broken
- [ADCM-1063] - Exclamation mark aligning problem
- [ADCM-1069] - adcm_sdk_pack crash if block python_mod not presents in requirements file
- [ADCM-1079] - Job display_name at job page is a task display_name
- [ADCM-1080] - Missed required path and format directives for access_log in nginx configuration
- [ADCM-1082] - 500 Internal Server Error
- [ADCM-1083] - PUT: stack/bundle/license/accept/ returns string
- [ADCM-1085] - Mysterious disappearance of cluster action
- [ADCM-1088] - cm.models.Action.DoesNotExist: Action matching query does not exist.
- [ADCM-1102] - Smart scroll at Hosts-Components is broken
- [ADCM-1108] - Can't save Service configuration due to CONFIG_VALUE_ERROR
- [ADCM-861] - Add test for number field types
- [ADCM-863] - Add test for password fields
- [ADCM-951] - Move hostfactory from adb tests to adcm_pytest_plugin
- [ADCM-975] - UI options tests for RO fields
- [ADCM-976] - UI options tests for required fields
- [ADCM-985] - Add --nopull option to docker wrapper
- [ADCM-998] - Unit tests and refactoring of *
- [ADCM-999] - Backend: add checks to host deletion from cluster
- [ADCM-1000] - Backend: Service remove from cluster operation
- [ADCM-1004] - Fixup tests after ADCM-999
- [ADCM-1010] - Backend: Support new type structure.
- [ADCM-1019] - Backend: Add "odd" constraint on components.
- [ADCM-1020] - Backend: add disclaimer attr to action with type text.
- [ADCM-1023] - UI: draw structure according to yspec
- [ADCM-1027] - Refactoring atomic transactions in
- [ADCM-1034] - Refactoring atomic transactions in
- [ADCM-1039] - Backend: ability to kill job
Release Notes - Arenadata Cluster Manager - Version 2019.12.16.23
- [ADCM-1035] - Status server still use 'admin' user for auth in wsgi