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Probot Autolabeler

GitHub App

Probot Autolabeler

GitHub App

Add labels to Pull Requests based on matched file patterns


Configure by creating a .github/autolabeler.yml file with a yaml file in the format of label: file/path.

For example,

frontend: ["*.js", "*.css", "*.html"]
backend: ["/app", "*.rb"]
legal: ["LICENSE*", "NOTICES*"]
config: .github

Then if a pull request is opened that has scripts/widget.js modified, then the frontend label will be added.

Probot Autolabeler Bot adding labels to a pull request


If you are having issues with the GitHub app not working, please contact @mithro who is running this.


Probot Autolabeler is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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