969a7ce to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
1d9a595 to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
[DOCS] Fix spelling in Java code
Pull request merge
[CI] Add prettier pre-commit hook and format YAML files (
#1716 )
Pull request merge
34874ca to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
e254524 to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
4967a19 to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
defb634 to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
[CI] pre-commit(insert-license): fix bug in comment markers for .c an…
Pull request merge
[DOCS] Format Python Markdown codeblocks with black (
#1881 )
Pull request merge
[DOCS] Fix case / spelling (
#1882 )
Pull request merge
[CI] pre-commit(scala): auto add and standardize license headers (
#1880 )
Pull request merge
7d832f2 to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
[DOCS] Add notification target for GitHub Discussions (
#1879 )
Pull request merge
221592d to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
[DOCS] Re-enable GitHub discussion due to ASF Infra change (
#1878 )
Pull request merge
8a111df to 1.7.1 with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
Re-enable GitHub discussion
8414624 to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
[DOCS] Update the Databricks doc to reflect issues on DBR 16 (
#1877 )
[DOCS] Update the Databricks doc to reflect issues on DBR 16 (
#1877 )
Pull request merge
Update the Databricks doc
c33b457 to latest-snapshot with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3
Update .github/workflows/java.yml
You can’t perform that action at this time.