For converting different catalog implementations into a rest one. Adapter for wrapping the existing catalog backends over REST.
When making changes to the local files and test them out, you can build the image locally:
# Build the project from iceberg root directory
./gradlew :iceberg-open-api:shadowJar
# Rebuild the docker image
docker image rm -f apache/iceberg-rest-fixture && docker build -t apache/iceberg-rest-fixture -f docker/iceberg-rest-fixture/Dockerfile .
To browse the catalog, you can use pyiceberg
➜ ~ pyiceberg --uri http://localhost:8181 list
➜ ~ pyiceberg --uri http://localhost:8181 list nyc
➜ ~ pyiceberg --uri http://localhost:8181 describe --entity=table tpcds_iceberg.customer
Table format version 2
Metadata location s3://iceberg-test-data/tpc/tpc-ds/3.2.0/1000/iceberg/customer/metadata/00001-1bccfcc4-69f6-4505-8df5-4de78356e327.metadata.json
Table UUID dce215f7-6301-4a73-acc4-6e12db016abb
Last Updated 1653550004061
Partition spec []
Sort order []
Schema Schema
├── 1: c_customer_sk: optional int
├── 2: c_customer_id: optional string
├── 3: c_current_cdemo_sk: optional int
├── 4: c_current_hdemo_sk: optional int
├── 5: c_current_addr_sk: optional int
├── 6: c_first_shipto_date_sk: optional int
├── 7: c_first_sales_date_sk: optional int
├── 8: c_salutation: optional string
├── 9: c_first_name: optional string
├── 10: c_last_name: optional string
├── 11: c_preferred_cust_flag: optional string
├── 12: c_birth_day: optional int
├── 13: c_birth_month: optional int
├── 14: c_birth_year: optional int
├── 15: c_birth_country: optional string
├── 16: c_login: optional string
├── 17: c_email_address: optional string
└── 18: c_last_review_date: optional string
Snapshots Snapshots
└── Snapshot 0: s3://iceberg-test-data/tpc/tpc-ds/3.2.0/1000/iceberg/customer/metadata/snap-643656366840285027-1-5ce13497-7330-4d02-8206-7e313e43209c.avro
Properties write.object-storage.enabled true
write.object-storage.path s3://iceberg-test-data/tpc/tpc-ds/3.2.0/1000/iceberg/customer/data