You can add a webhook
field to your payload that
contains the URI for your webhook callbacks, and then the
Serverless Endpoint will POST the response JSON to that
"webhook": "",
"input": {
"api": {
"method": "POST",
"endpoint": "/sdapi/v1/txt2img"
"payload": {
"prompt": "an astronaut riding a horse",
"negative_prompt": "",
"seed": -1,
"batch_size": 1,
"steps": 30,
"cfg_scale": 7,
"width": 512,
"height": 512,
"sampler_name": "DPM++ SDE Karras",
"sampler_index": "DPM++ SDE Karras",
"restore_faces": False
"delayTime": 67461,
"executionTime": 21171,
"id": "sync-102c2af4-8ea7-4abb-a9ec-c2a56cf80a16",
"input": {
"api": {
"endpoint": "/sdapi/v1/txt2img",
"method": "POST"
"payload": {
"batch_size": 1,
"cfg_scale": 7,
"height": 512,
"negative_prompt": "",
"prompt": "an astronaut riding a horse",
"restore_faces": false,
"sampler_index": "DPM++ SDE Karras",
"sampler_name": "DPM++ SDE Karras",
"seed": -1,
"steps": 30,
"width": 512
"output": {
"images": [
"basee64 encoded image"
"info": "{\"prompt\": \"an astronaut riding a horse\", \"all_prompts\": [\"an astronaut riding a horse\"], \"negative_prompt\": \"\", \"all_negative_prompts\": [\"\"], \"seed\": 476701233, \"all_seeds\": [476701233], \"subseed\": 4037325508, \"all_subseeds\": [4037325508], \"subseed_strength\": 0, \"width\": 512, \"height\": 512, \"sampler_name\": \"DPM++ SDE Karras\", \"cfg_scale\": 7.0, \"steps\": 30, \"batch_size\": 1, \"restore_faces\": false, \"face_restoration_model\": null, \"sd_model_hash\": null, \"seed_resize_from_w\": -1, \"seed_resize_from_h\": -1, \"denoising_strength\": 0, \"extra_generation_params\": {}, \"index_of_first_image\": 0, \"infotexts\": [\"an astronaut riding a horse\\nSteps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7.0, Seed: 476701233, Size: 512x512, Model: deliberate_v2, Denoising strength: 0, Version: 1.5.1\"], \"styles\": [], \"job_timestamp\": \"20230728121717\", \"clip_skip\": 1, \"is_using_inpainting_conditioning\": false}",
"parameters": {
"alwayson_scripts": {},
"batch_size": 1,
"cfg_scale": 7,
"denoising_strength": 0,
"do_not_save_grid": false,
"do_not_save_samples": false,
"enable_hr": false,
"eta": null,
"firstphase_height": 0,
"firstphase_width": 0,
"height": 512,
"hr_negative_prompt": "",
"hr_prompt": "",
"hr_resize_x": 0,
"hr_resize_y": 0,
"hr_sampler_name": null,
"hr_scale": 2,
"hr_second_pass_steps": 0,
"hr_upscaler": null,
"n_iter": 1,
"negative_prompt": "",
"override_settings": null,
"override_settings_restore_afterwards": true,
"prompt": "an astronaut riding a horse",
"restore_faces": false,
"s_churn": 0,
"s_min_uncond": 0,
"s_noise": 1,
"s_tmax": null,
"s_tmin": 0,
"sampler_index": "DPM++ SDE Karras",
"sampler_name": "DPM++ SDE Karras",
"save_images": false,
"script_args": [],
"script_name": null,
"seed": -1,
"seed_resize_from_h": -1,
"seed_resize_from_w": -1,
"send_images": true,
"steps": 30,
"styles": null,
"subseed": -1,
"subseed_strength": 0,
"tiling": false,
"width": 512
"status": "COMPLETED",
"webhook": ""