Bun is required to build and run the system locally.
Install dependencies:
bun install
Start development server with hot-reload:
bun dev
Docker is required to run the database locally.
Start only the container with the database from docker-compose.yaml
docker compose up -d --build arrigt-db
Apply migrations:
bun run migrate:dev
Build for production and run:
bun build && bun start
Linting, formatting, and testing is automatically performed by GitHub Actions on pull requests to the main
- Run ESLint manually with
bun run lint
orbun run lint:fix
- Run Prettier manually with
bun run format
orbun run format:fix
- Run Vitest manually with
bun run test
orbun run test:coverage
- Run Stryker manually with
bun run test:mutation
The system can be built for production and deployed using Docker. The docker-compose.yaml
runs the following
Build the docker images:
docker compose build
Run the containers:
docker compose up -d
Specification and documentation resides in the ./docs
directory of the project.