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35 lines (30 loc) · 1.29 KB

Lean formalization of the finite-field Nikodym theorem

An (incomplete) formalization of the finite field Nikodym theorem in Lean.

Made based on the proof detailed in Terence Tao’s survey of the polynomial method and with guidance from the Lean formalization of the cap set problem.


theorem nikodym:
    /- Let n,d ≥ 1 be integers  -/
    ∀ n d: ℕ, 
    n ≥ 1 → d ≥ 1/- Let α be a finite field (we also refer to it as F)-/
    /- with d < |F|. -/
    (d < fintype.card α) →  
    /- Then for any set E, where E is a subset of vector space F^n...-/
    ∀ (E: finset (fin n → α)),  
    /- ...and E has that property that -/
      /- for every point x ∈ F^n-/
      ∀ (x : fin n → α), 
      /- you can find a line (that goes through x in the direction of any v ∈ F^n) -/
      ∃ (v : fin n → α),
      let L := line n x v in 
      /- that intersects E at more than d points...-/
        --(E ∩ L).card > d 
        ((line n x v).filter (λ e, e ∈ E)).card > d
    ) → 
    /- ...then the size of E must be at least d+n choose n. -/
      E.card ≥ (d+n).choose(n)


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