This repository contains an Tinkerpop3 compliant implementation of LDBC SNB Interactive Workload and pointers to various resources for benchamrking graph databases for this new workload.
Tinkerpop3 Blueprint compliant implementation of Linked Data Benchmark Council's Social Network Benchmark Benchmark
We are in effort to integrate Kafka into LDBC Driver to emulate real-time updates on SUT. LDBC Driver is WIP of this integration.
Reference Implementations Forked from LDBC repo[].
- Bugs in loader scripts have been fixed
- New scripts to correctly define SPARQL prefixes
- SPARQL Complex Traversals needs fixing (Complex query 2)
- TitanDB supports only TP2. Gremlin implementation should be used
PlatformLab Implementations TP3 compliant TitanDB and Neo4j implementation from PlatformLab
- No Complex Traversals, No validation on TitanDB implementation
- Neo4j Cypher queries (passing validation)
- Sqlg Implementation of TP3 Structure API on Postgres
- SqlgSNBImporter can succesfully import LDBC SNB Dataset into Sqlg Graph over Postgres
- Optimizes Traversal steps
- Sqlgraph Simple - inefficient implementation of TP3 Structure API over RDBMS by Alice and Anil
- Does not support any bulk loading features
- No optimization what so ever