This repository contains scripts for extracting images from the TIMS TOF MALDI 2 with a user defined target library.
The fastest way to get up and running with Maldi Tools is to create a conda
environment. You will need any flavor of conda
. Some options include:
Once you have any one of these installed, clone the repository with:
git clone maldi-tools
Then change the directory to maldi-tools
and create the environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
This will install all the dependencies and the most up-to-date version of maldi-tools
Maldi-Tools can be started by first activating the Conda environment with:
conda activate maldi-pipeline
and then the Jupyter interface can be started with:
jupyter lab
Maldi-Tools is a poetry project and development requires python-poetry
and pre-commit
We recommend installing both with pipx
For development, after cloning the repository, create the development environment and install dependencies for maldi-tools
, development dependencies and testing dependencies with:
poetry install --with dev,test
Next, install the repo's pre-commit
hooks with:
pre-commit install --install-hooks
Pre-commit hooks will sort imports, fix formatting, and lint your code for you. They run on each commit, but you may also run them manually with:
pre-commit run --all-files
Tests can be run with:
poetry run pytest
Maldi-Tools is in early, active development. Please submit an issue for any bugs, or ideas for feature requests.