This app has third-party dependencies (both production and development). These dependencies are listed in package.json
- @ngneat/hot-toast: Toast notifications for Angular.
- @ngneat/overview: A powerful solution for Angular app walkthroughs.
- @ngneat/until-destroy: Automatic cleanup of Angular subscriptions.
- @ngx-translate/core: Internationalization (i18n) library for Angular applications.
- @ngx-translate/http-loader: A library to load translations from HTTP requests.
- bootstrap: Popular front-end framework for responsive design.
- sanitize.css: A modern CSS reset.
- Socket.IO client for real-time bidirectional communication.
- @eslint/js: ESLint’s official JavaScript rules.
- eslint: JavaScript/TypeScript linter.
- eslint-config-prettier: Turns off ESLint rules that conflict with Prettier.
- eslint-plugin-prettier: Runs Prettier as an ESLint rule.
- husky: Git hooks tool to enforce code standards.
- karma: Test runner for JavaScript.
- prettier: Code formatter for consistent style.
- pretty-quick: Runs Prettier on staged files.
- stylelint: Linter for CSS/SCSS.
- stylelint-config-prettier: Disables stylelint rules that conflict with Prettier.
- typescript: Superset of JavaScript that adds static types.
- ts-node: TypeScript execution environment for Node.js.