For coding style and linter we use Javascript Standard Style
Despite what is indicated in Standard.js webpage, we don't use as standard a package, but trying to follow the rules for best practices. We are planning to use @angular-eslint/schematic
Javascript standard style isn't a real web standard, but this rules helps to keep the code to a high standard of quality and ensures that all contributors follow some basic coding style.
A lot of companies around the world are using standard.js
- Use 2 spaces for indentation.
- Use single quotes for strings except to avoid escaping.
- Use camelcase when naming variables and functions.
- Add a space after keywords.
- Trailing commas not allowed.
- Add a space before a function declaration's parentheses.
- Always use === instead of ==.
- Keep else statements on the same line as their curly braces.
- Multiple blank lines not allowed.
- For var declarations, write each declaration in its own statement.
- No semicolons. (Currently we are using semicolons, but we are planning to remove them)
Check full standard.js rules at standard.js rules page
The project uses both ES and Typescript. Config for Typescript compiler is allowJs = true
We use pages
folder in app
folder to manage all the views/screens.
And _shared
folder within pages
folder containing views.pages that are shared across multiple users.
│ ├───@core
│ │ ├───constants
│ │ │ └─── constants set in the whole
│ │ ├───entities
│ │ │ └─── Entity models used in the app
│ │ ├───enums
│ │ │ └─── enums files to be used in the app
│ │ ├───guards
│ │ │ └─── addition guards. Auth related guards are in auth module.
│ │ ├───helpers
│ │ │ └─── helpers files to support the app
│ │ ├───interceptors
│ │ │ └─── interceptors files to intercept the requests
│ │ ├───interfaces
│ │ │ └─── interfaces files to be used in the app
│ │ ├───services
│ │ │ └─── services files used to fetch data from the backend only. they only contain http requests.
│ │ ├───socket-io
│ │ │ └─── contains socket service to be used in the app
│ │ ├───usecases
│ │ │ └─── usecases/compositions files used to get data from the services, mutate or manipulate and pass it to the views.
│ │ └───utils
│ │ └─── utils files containing utility functions
│ ├───auth (complete independent auth module)
│ │ ├───enums
│ │ │ └─── enums files to be used in the auth module only.
│ │ ├───guard
│ │ │ ├─── auth guard
│ │ │ └─── permission guard
│ │ ├───login
│ │ │ └─── login page as default page for the app.
│ │ ├───logout
│ │ │ └─── logout page. (can be called via route)
│ │ └───services
│ │ ├─── authentication service: to handle login, logout.
│ │ ├─── credentials service: to handle authenticated state and credentials stored in localstorage.
│ │ └─── permission serice: to handle permissions.
│ ├───i18n
│ │ ├───i18n service to handle language seletion
│ │ └───language selector component
│ ├───pages
│ │ ├───pages.module
│ │ │ └─── import all the pages in this module.
│ │ └───pages-routing
│ │ └─── Main route file for screen/views/pages. Lazy load other screen, componenet, module etc in this route file
│ ├───shared
│ │ ├───components
│ │ │ └─── Shared Components to be able to use in whole app (for reusability)
│ │ ├───directives
│ │ │ └─── Shared Directives to be available in whole app (for reusability)
│ │ └───pipes
│ │ └─── Shared Pipes to be available in whole app (for reusability)
│ └───shell
│ │ ├───components
│ │ │ └─── Shell Components to be able to use in whole app (for reusability) such as header, footer, sidebar etc.
│ └───└───services
│ └─── shell service: to handle shell related data including sidebar toggle state, handle child routes etc.
│ └─── theme service: to handle theme related data including theme change, theme selection etc.
│ └─── containes all the theme related files including scss files
Core: As the backbone of the application, the
folder contains essential components, services, and utilities for the app’s overall functionality.- Constants: Contains constant values that are used throughout the app, similar to app settings or configurations.
- Entities: Holds entity models for data manipulation, representing core business objects used throughout the app.
- Enums: Stores all enums to ensure type safety and centralized enum management.
- Guards: Contains additional guards for protecting routes and handling authorization logic.
- Helpers: Utility functions or services like authentication helpers, query builders, error handlers, etc.
- Interceptors: Holds files that intercept and manipulate HTTP requests or responses.
- Interfaces: Centralized location for interface declarations across the app for consistent data contracts.
- Services: This folder includes services dedicated to fetching or sending data to/from the backend through HTTP requests. Services here are aligned with the Single Responsibility Principle.
- Socket IO: Contains a socket service to handle WebSocket communications across the app.
- Usecases: These are composition functions that act as the intermediary between services and views. They manipulate or transform data fetched from services before passing it to the UI.
- Utils: Utility functions like validators, transformers, or helper functions that don’t depend on specific app features.
Auth (Independent module): A completely independent authentication module.
- Enums: Manages enums specific to authentication.
- Guards: Contains guards related to authentication, like the auth guard and permission guard.
- Login: The login page that serves as the app’s default landing page.
- Logout: The logout page, accessible via route to terminate sessions.
- Services: Contains services related to authentication, managing user sessions, credentials, and permissions.
- Authentication Service: Handles login and logout functionality.
- Credentials Service: Manages session state and user data in local storage.
- Permission Service: Handles user access levels and permissions.
i18n: Manages internationalization, including:
- i18n Service: Handles language selection and translation.
- Language Selector Component: A reusable component to switch between languages in the app.
Pages: Manages all views/screens shown to the user.
- Pages Module: The module approach used to group related screens into modules that are lazy-loaded. Each major section or feature can have its own module, and these modules are imported into the shell module.
- Pages Routing: Main routing file for the app's screens. It handles lazy-loading of other modules, components, and views to improve performance.
Shared: This folder contains reusable components, directives, and pipes that can be used across the entire application.
- Components: Shared components like buttons, forms, or other UI elements that can be used across multiple views.
- Directives: Shared directives that can be used across multiple modules.
- Pipes: Reusable pipes for formatting or transforming data within the app.
Shell: Manages the core layout components that are used throughout the app.
- Components: Reusable components like the header, footer, sidebar, etc., which make up the app’s structure.
- Services:
- Shell Service: Manages data related to the layout, like the sidebar toggle state or handling child routes.
- Theme Service: Manages app themes, including theme switching and selection.
Assets: Contains static files, such as images, icons, and language files, used across the app.
Theme: This folder contains all SCSS files responsible for managing the application's theme and styles.
- _base: Handles basic style definitions and resets.
- _layout: Manages layout-specific styles such as grids, containers, and spacing.
- _mixin: Defines reusable SCSS mixins for consistent styling across the app.
- _overrides: Contains styles that override third-party or default styles.
- _utilities: Utility classes for common tasks like margin, padding, or text alignment.
- _variables: Stores SCSS variables for colors, fonts, breakpoints, etc.
- Main theme file: Imports all the partials and applies the complete theme to the app, handling customization and styling of various components.
Environments: Stores environment-specific configurations like API endpoints for different builds (development, production, etc.).