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File metadata and controls

237 lines (181 loc) · 6.45 KB

OpenID Connect Lab Interfaces

Currently only a set of examples.

Entity Metadata

The metadata is configuration of the entity that needs to be tested by the tool.

OpenID Connect Consumer

This is the configuration object (metadata) of a Consumer that is about to be tested by the test tool.

	// The identifier of this consumer
	'client_id': 'testConsumer',
	// Which user data schema is supported by this consumer.
	'schema': ['openid'],
	'redirect_uri': [

OpenID Connect Provider

This is the configuration object (metadata) of a Provider that is about to be tested by the test tool.

	// The identifier of this Provider
	'issuer': 'provider',
	// Client credentials of a client that is trusted by the provider.
	// This needs to be configured by the provider together with the
	// 'redirect_uri' of the test utility. 
	'client_auth': {
		/* How will the client authenticate towards the Token endpoint.
		 * basic: HTTP Basic authentication
		 * none: No authentication
		'authorization': 'basic,
		'client_id': 'testConsumer',
		'password': 'secret'
	 * Definition of user interaction on the Provider.
	 * A set of rules. Which rule to execute to decided based upon the 'identify'
	 * parameter
	'interactions': [
			'identify': {
				// The URL Match should not include query string parameters when matching..
				'url': ''
			'type': 'form',
			'form': {
				// All form parameters that are not mentioned here are bypassed with the default value.
				// Form parameters that are set to a string is overrided,
				// form parameters that are set to false are ignored.
				'username': 'andreas',
				'password': 'secret',
				'lang': false
			'identify': {
				// Identify this rule by the 'id' attribute of the <form> element on the page.
				'form-id': 'consent-new-provider'
			'type': 'form',
			'form': {
				'accept': 'checked',
				'submit': 'OK'
	// A set of flags for features that the Provider supports
	'supports': {
		'implicit': true,
		'dynamicregistration': false,
		'operationswithoutcookie': false

	// Which user data schema is supported by this provider.
	'schema': ['openid'],
	'endpoints': {
		authorization: '',
		token: '',
		checksession: '',
		refreshsession: '',
		endsession: ''

Test flow definitions

The test flow definitions are static for each version of the test tool. The test tool may store this as a separate defintion file, or return it somehow.

		id: 'basic-code-idtoken',
		name: 'Basic Code flow with ID Token',
		descr: 'Very basic test of a Provider using the authorization code flow. The test tool acting as a consumer is very relaxed and tries to obtain an ID Token.'
		id: 'basic-code',
		name: 'Basic Code flow with ID Token and User data',
		descr: 'Very basic test of a Provider using the authorization code flow, but in addition to retrieve an ID Token, this test flow also tried to obtain user data.',
		depends: ['basic-code-idtoken']
		id: 'extended-code',
		name: 'Extended Code flow',
		descr: 'Extended test of a Provider using the authorization code flow. Both validating the ID Token and testing the User data service.',
		depends: ['basic-code-idtoken', 'basic-code']
		id: 'basic-implicit',
		name: 'Basic Implicit Grant',
		descr: 'Very basic test of the implicit grant flow.'
		id: 'external-authorization-request-file',
		name: 'External Request File',
		descr: 'Tries to send a request referring to a external request file object'
		id: 'unknown-scope',
		name: 'Unknown scope in authorization request',
		descr: 'A bogus unknown scope is included in the authorization request'
		id: 'display-none',
		name: 'No user interaction with display: none',
		descr: 'First, enable a Single Sign-On session, then send a new authorization request with display: none and verify that things work. Second, without enabling SSO, send a display: none, and verify that the correct status code is returned, and no user interaction is provided.'
		id: 'no-coookie',
		name: 'Test standard Code flow with cookie support turned off.',
		// Will not run this test unless all test flow dependencies are successfully run.
		depends: ['basic-code-idtoken'],
		// Requires some features in metadata to run this test flow.
		requires: ['operationswithoutcookie']

Test flow output

Definition of status values:

  • 0: Failure
  • 1: Success
  • 2: Information
  • 9: Test flow interrupted. Could not continue to run test because of this problem.

Signficiance levels of test status:

  • 3: Signficant fatal error. Operation unlikely to work with any client.
  • 2: Spec violation; Spec violation and/or security issue.
  • 1: Warning; less significant, unclear in the spec.
  • 0: Information: There is no right and wrong in this test, it just informs about behavior of the entity (that might be useful).

The significance levels may be overridden by configuration of various deployment profiles.

	id: 'extended-code',
	// The aggregated status of all the tests in this test flow.
	// The aggregated status code may only be 0 or 1.
	status: 1,

	tests: [
			id: 'connectivity',
			name: 'Connectivity with the authorization endpoint',
			status: 1,
			significance: 3
			id: 'userdata-content-type',
			name: 'User Data Endpoint returned correct MIME type in the Content-Type header: application/json',
			status: 1,
			significance: 2,
			// A reference to the specification may be included. The test UI will be able to include a clickable link to the 
			// relevant text in the specification.
			reference: {
				document: 'oauth',
				version: 'draft-08',
				section: ''
			id: 'obtained-refresh-token',
			name: 'Client did not receive a refresh token in the respone from the token endpoint.',
			status: 0,
			significance: 0
			id: 'access-token-duration',
			name: 'The duration of the access token was 3600 seconds',
			status: 2
			// Signficance is optional, and does not make sense when status is set to 2.