All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Note: This program is using the plugin-manifest V2, and chrome will display an (deprecation) "error" although there is no real error. It's just that Chrome's V2-support ends in 2023 and I'm not yet sure how to migrate to the very restricted V3.
- handles URL changes typical for single-page applications, when the browser doesn't load a new page from the web but just updates the user interface (DOM) and the window-location URL (Note: URL redirection rules are ignored in such a case)
- minor code improvements
- no more spell checking in texteditor (red underlines)
- saveUrl() allows your mixin-code to trigger the download dialog for any resource with an URL
- simple text auto-completion with Ctrl+Space (too annoying without tabs and auto-completion)
- sample script 'Goodreads ratings on Amazon'
- browser-action icon turns green if one of your mixins was injected into the active webpage
- sample script 'Goodreads ratings on Amazon', also ui improvements
- getUrl() to replace Javascript's
command which causes Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) errors in a mixin-function (or Chrome content scripts in general)
- does not run mixins multiple times when there are multiple frames
- mixins scripts are not synchronized on other devices with Chrome; otherwise there would be a limit to the script length
- pass multiple URLs to
- inject CSS code instead of Javascript by passing a template literal to
(see script-example.js)
- redirect requests with
redir( ... )