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File metadata and controls

162 lines (123 loc) · 3.86 KB

BKEmu functions in Lua scripts

Short description

  • LoadBin(strFileName) - Load Binary file strFileName

  • LoadBreakpoints(strFileName) - Load breakpoints from strFileName

  • LoadSymbolTable(strFileName) - Load symbol table

  • GetImageName(nFddNumber) - Return path to the image mounted to FDD

  • MountImage(nFddNumber, strImageName) - Mount strImageName to FDD

  • UnMountImage(nFddNumber) - Unmount image from Fdd

  • PressKey(nKey) - Send Keycode to BK

  • SendStringToBk(strText, nDelay) - Send characters from strText to BK one-by-one. Switch to Rus/Lat if need. nDelay - delay between chars in mSec. If omitted, used 80 mSec delay

  • poke(nAddr, nData) - Store word nData into nAddr

  • pokeb(nAddr, bData) - Store byte bData into nAddr

  • peek(nAddr) - Return word in nAddr

  • peekb(nAddr) - Return byte in nAddr

  • sleep(mSec) - Sleep mSec millicesonds

  • StopCPU() - Stop CPU if running

  • StartCPU() - Start CPU if not running

Full description

LoadBin(strFileName), LoadBreakpoints(strFileName), LoadSymbolTable(strFileName)

Load Binary, Breakpoints or symbol table from file 'strFileName'

  • args: strFileName - string
  • return: true if succes false if fail


Return path to the image mounted to FDD

  • args: nFddNumber - number
  • return: ImageName or "" if empty - string


Unmount image from Fdd

  • args: nFddNumber - number
  • return: true if succes false if fail

MountImage(nFddNumber, strImageName)

Mount strImageName to FDD

  • args: nFddNumber - number strImageName - string
  • return: true if succes false if fail


Send Keycode to BK. PressKey(0) will emulate press of 'STOP' button

  • args: nKey - number

SendStringToBk(strText, nDelay)

Send characters from strText to BK one-by-one. Switch to Rus/Lat if need. nDelay - delay between chars in mSek. If omitted, used 80 mSec delay

  • args: strText - string nDelay - number

poke(nAddr, nData), pokeb(nAddr, bData)

Store word or byte nData into nAddr

  • args: nAddr - number nData - number

peek(nAddr), peekb(nAddr)

Return word or byte from nAddr

  • args: nAddr - number
  • return: number


Sleep mSec millicesonds

  • args: mSec - number


Stop CPU if running


Start CPU if not running


-- Sending multilanguage string to BK Rus/Lat
SendStringToBK("qwe йцу asd\n")

-- Simple programm
local t = {}
t[#t+1] = "10 BEEP"
t[#t+1] = "20 GOTO 10"
t[#t+1] = "RUN"
t[#t+1] = ""
a = table.concat(t, "\n")
SendStringToBK(a, 70)

-- Sleep 2 seconds
-- Pause CPU
-- Sleep 5 seconds
-- Start CPU

-- Send 'STOP' key

Fill Screen

local p = Poke
for i=1,10000 do
  p(040000 + i, i)

Build project and copy resulting BIN to the mounted disk image

imgName = GetImageName(0)
if imgName ~= "" then
    -- Copy file to image by external utility
    if os.execute("cd workdir && make") then 
        -- Unmount disk
        -- Copy bin to the disk image
        os.execute("bkimg -c game.bin "  .. imgName)
        -- Mount the disk image back
        MountImage(0, imgName)

Notice for developers

You can easily add any new Lua function in emutools/LuaScripts.[h,cpp]. However there are some restrictions you want to follow:

  1. Because any updates to UI can be done in the main application thread only, any function changing UI must be called using emit signal
  2. Because we can stop Lua script execution inside Lua hook function only, all C-implemented Lua functions must ether be fast enough or must check periodically status of (bool)StopScriptThread variable and exit immediately if StopScriptThread == true