LoadBin(strFileName) - Load Binary file strFileName
LoadBreakpoints(strFileName) - Load breakpoints from strFileName
LoadSymbolTable(strFileName) - Load symbol table
GetImageName(nFddNumber) - Return path to the image mounted to FDD
MountImage(nFddNumber, strImageName) - Mount strImageName to FDD
UnMountImage(nFddNumber) - Unmount image from Fdd
PressKey(nKey) - Send Keycode to BK
SendStringToBk(strText, nDelay) - Send characters from strText to BK one-by-one. Switch to Rus/Lat if need. nDelay - delay between chars in mSec. If omitted, used 80 mSec delay
poke(nAddr, nData) - Store word nData into nAddr
pokeb(nAddr, bData) - Store byte bData into nAddr
peek(nAddr) - Return word in nAddr
peekb(nAddr) - Return byte in nAddr
sleep(mSec) - Sleep mSec millicesonds
StopCPU() - Stop CPU if running
StartCPU() - Start CPU if not running
Load Binary, Breakpoints or symbol table from file 'strFileName'
- args: strFileName - string
- return: true if succes false if fail
Return path to the image mounted to FDD
- args: nFddNumber - number
- return: ImageName or "" if empty - string
Unmount image from Fdd
- args: nFddNumber - number
- return: true if succes false if fail
Mount strImageName to FDD
- args: nFddNumber - number strImageName - string
- return: true if succes false if fail
Send Keycode to BK. PressKey(0) will emulate press of 'STOP' button
- args: nKey - number
Send characters from strText to BK one-by-one. Switch to Rus/Lat if need. nDelay - delay between chars in mSek. If omitted, used 80 mSec delay
- args: strText - string nDelay - number
Store word or byte nData into nAddr
- args: nAddr - number nData - number
Return word or byte from nAddr
- args: nAddr - number
- return: number
Sleep mSec millicesonds
- args: mSec - number
Stop CPU if running
Start CPU if not running
-- Sending multilanguage string to BK Rus/Lat
SendStringToBK("qwe йцу asd\n")
-- Simple programm
local t = {}
t[#t+1] = "10 BEEP"
t[#t+1] = "20 GOTO 10"
t[#t+1] = "RUN"
t[#t+1] = ""
a = table.concat(t, "\n")
SendStringToBK(a, 70)
-- Sleep 2 seconds
-- Pause CPU
-- Sleep 5 seconds
-- Start CPU
-- Send 'STOP' key
local p = Poke
for i=1,10000 do
p(040000 + i, i)
imgName = GetImageName(0)
if imgName ~= "" then
-- Copy file to image by external utility
if os.execute("cd workdir && make") then
-- Unmount disk
-- Copy bin to the disk image
os.execute("bkimg -c game.bin " .. imgName)
-- Mount the disk image back
MountImage(0, imgName)
You can easily add any new Lua function in emutools/LuaScripts.[h,cpp]. However there are some restrictions you want to follow:
- Because any updates to UI can be done in the main application thread only, any function changing UI must be called using emit signal
- Because we can stop Lua script execution inside Lua hook function only, all C-implemented Lua functions must ether be fast enough or must check periodically status of (bool)StopScriptThread variable and exit immediately if StopScriptThread == true