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78 lines (61 loc) · 2.65 KB


Toy LIPS compiler that converts one-liner S-Expressions to C# (LINQ) expression trees. The goal is to practice compiler implementation.


  • binary, unary, conditional, functions
  • recursion (thanks to defer in contour lookups)
  • first-class functions
  • shadowing of variables (thanks to contours)


  • unary/binary expression (-) is ambiguous for the parser combinator
  • better error handling in the paster
  • add standard libary support (e.g. Console.log(...))


  • FParsec for parsing
  • C# Expression Tree for the back-end of compiler
  • ExpressionTreeToString for debugging
  • built-in functions: print, println, concat, ...

Supported constructs:

  • atomic: <string>, <float>, <bool> and null
  • conditional: ( if condExpr ifExpr elseExpr )
  • function decl: ( defun name (...formals) bodyExpr )
  • function call: ( name ...actuals )

Built-in functions:

  • concat
  • print
  • println
  • head
  • tail
  • single
  • isNull
  • identity

Example: given the following, LipsSimulator class will return the result of last line:

;; factorial
(defun fact (x) (if (<= x 0) 1 (* x (fact (- x 1)))))
(println (concat "fact 12 is: " (fact 12)))

;; fibonacci
(defun fib (x) (if (<= x 0) 0 (if (<= x 1) 1 (+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2))))))
(println (concat "fib 12 is: " (fib 12)))

;; pi
(defun pi (c k) (if (< k 0) (* c 4) (+ c (pi (/ (^ -1 k) (+ (* 2 k) 1)) (- k 1)))))
(println (concat "pi approximation: " (pi 0 (^ 10 3))))

;; sum
(defun sigma (x) (if (<= x 0) 0 (+ x (sigma (- x 1))))) 
(println (concat "sigma of 5: " (sigma 5)))

;; array
(defun range (x y) (if (> x y) null (append (single x) (range (+ x 1) y))))
(println (concat "range [3..5]: " (range 3 5)))

;; map
(defun map (fn ls) (if (isNull (head ls)) null (append (single (fn (head ls))) (map fn (tail ls)))))
(println (concat "range 3x [3..5]: " (map (defun triple (x) (* x 3)) (range 3 5))))

;; filter
(defun filter (fn ls) (if (isNull (head ls)) null (append (if (fn (head ls)) (single (head ls)) null) (filter fn (tail ls)))))
(println (concat "filter range [-3..5] >= 0: " (filter (defun positive (x) (>= x 0)) (range -3 5))))

;; reduce
(defun reduce (fn ls acc) (if (isNull (head ls)) acc (reduce fn (tail ls) (fn acc (head ls)))))
(println (concat "Any grater than zero: " (reduce (defun anyPositive (acc x) (if acc true (> x 0))) (range -3 -1) false)))

(identity 1)


  • LISP is untyped but C# expression trees are typed. To make things work, I used object and Func<object+> everyone until compiler encounters conditional, binary/unary operation or functions as parameters. At that point it tries to apply necessary conversion to make things type-check.