- Fixed: Admin mode being activated if its a first login into any device.
- Fixed: disable date time picker if the appointment is open.
- Fixed: Barrier behind panels in small screens.
- Fixed: Show more button in datatable dark mode isn't visible.
- Scaled checkboxes.
- Implemented sentry for crash and error reporting.
- Labworks can now be locked to a specific user.
- Expenses can now be locked to a specific user.
- Fixed: Synchronization of appointments, labworks, and expenses must be preceded by a successful synchronization patients and doctors.
- Fixed: creating patient on the fly if its unusually not found.
- Fixed: Substring safety in item title.
- Fixed: Swiping in calendar when there's no appointment is not responsive.
- Fixed: Translated: "there's no upcoming appointments for this doctor".
- Fixed: Changing time would silently reset changed date.
- Fixed: Swipe detector being too sensitive.
- Fixed: Icon as password obscure indicator in login screen.
- Fixed: Better alignment for top actions.
- Fixed: "Update to newer version" prompt not working correctly.
- Fixed: Panel tab titles having their first letter lowercased.
- Fixed: Side panels stay open when logging-out/logging-in.
- Fixed: Hide archive button for a data table item, if the item is open in a side panel.
- Fixed: Some text fields didn't have placeholders.
- New feature: dark mode.
- Fixed issue with panel content not being scrollable
- Fixed: Command bar height inconsistencies between screens
- Fixed: Shouldn't change the time when just editing the date.
- Fixed: Android system icons set to dark.
- Fixed: Show less aggressive user mode indicator on dashboard.
- Fixed: Submitting on fields on login screen should initiate the login process.
- Fixed: Option in settings screen to delete/reset all local data and pull from server.
- Fixed: avatars are not loading on datatable unless they are loaded from appointment gallery.
- Fixed: For better memory management, evict images once the widget is disposed.
- Fixed: Fpr better memory management, run image downloading http requests in a task que.
- Fixed: Improved performance and memory usage by utilizing less shader intensive UI elements.
- New: Added search emoji as search icon in filtering field
- New: Bottom navigation bar on small screens
- New: Side panels: non-blocking editing/viewing windows, and a user can have multiple of them open at once.
- New: Swiping left/right on calendar should navigate through days.
- New: Load/create/download thumbnails in the app UI, unless a full photo is explicitly opened.
- Multiple improvements in regard to performance and memory efficiency
- Fixed sorting of labworks and expenses
- Fixed change detection and reflection in demo
- Web demo setup
- Splash screen for web
- Fixed issue with statistics screen done & missed chart
- Fixed issue of android login from web app
- Fixed issue of fast user
- clear button in datatable search
- fixed issues with photo uploading and sync
- Load images on request
- fixed issue with dates
- minor visual improvements
- Multiple improvements and fixes for better usability
- Initial release
- Distributed for windows, APK and web